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Coral Beauty reef safe?


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I am currently running a 20g show tank (FOWLR)that has a blue/green chromis and a coral beauty dwarf angel in there. I am thinking of putting some live corals such as mushrooms, colt, and maybe a buble aneneme and possibily a brain. Will the Coral Beauty mess with any of these? I was told that this particular species is alot less tempted to nip on the corals then say compared to a Flame Angel, which was what I orginally wanted. I noticed that my CB likes to nip/graze at the algae on the the LR and on the tank walls, I just hope he doesn't decide to nip at any corals!

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with the corals you have I think the coral beauty will be ok, but there are exceptions to the rule and you may end up with one that is ruthless against your corals. I have a flame angel in my 100gal with Xenia, Leathers, mushrooms, brain, and it has never touched any of the corals there. When this tank was set up at my friends house before I bought it from him, he had many more corals with this very same flame angel and they were fine. Its really a toss up how the Coral Beauty will react...but regardless of how it reacts I think that if you have a brain and some mushrooms and stuff it will be fine.

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i have a bi-color and a coral beauty in my 120, which was a reef tank until recently. I never had any problems with nipping, though i *think* *maybe* i caught the bi-color nipping a tree one time, but i was seeing the tank from a distance so i could be wrong.


you'd have to try it and keep a close eye, my experience with coral beauties makes me believe they are shy when you are in front of the tank, but if you sit back a good ways they will come out. thus if you are sitting in front of the tank watching, he will probalby mostly hide.

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