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Pic of my first reef! What do you think so far?


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Here is a pic of my first reef tank. Tell me what you think so far? Its been set up for about 6 months now. How many hours should i burn the lights each day, with the pc's it was 12. Thanks for your coments.


30 gallon oceanic cube

just upgraded the lights today from 130 pc to 250

metal halide xm lighting

48 lbs live rock

royal gramma

black ocellaris

orange ocellaris

flame angel

lawn mower blenny

10 blue leg hermits

4 astra snails

1 turbo snail

2 cleaner shrimp

feather duster

Pulsing xenia

elegance coral

green star polyps


green button polyps


amonia 0

ph 8.2

kh 13

calc 450

no3 0

no4 0

temp 78

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Ooo... I love those oceanic cubes.. *drool*


Are you running jsut the straight MH now or are you off-setting it your photo period with PC's or T5's (a lot of people will run PC's for 3 hours, then start up their MH in addition to the PCs for 4 hours then just run the PC's for another 3).


If you have jsut the MH going, I'm not sure what your burn period should be. I am sure someone else here can help you out there.


Is that Green Star Polyp I see down on the sand?


Nice looking tank!



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Thanks for the coments. Well ive been running only the mh xm 20, love the color, for 8 hours starting and slowly uping it. Everything seems to be doing great. Yes those are gsp :).

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I love those 30 cubes, actually thinking about one myself. Although, I would just run a 150W 20K XM. Looks like those gsp are taking the new lighting a little rough. My gsp did that also after I added a halide. Then I raised it 3" off of the water instead on right on the tank and they came right back and have been doing great.


Good Job! Mike

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Thanks for all the great coments. Went to my lfs today and got a 8 lbs more rock for a total of 55 lbs. I think i fillany have enough :). Also got a Rose BTA for 50 bucks. Do you think i got a great deal? What do you think of my aquascaping?

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Dud I dont thin that is an RBTA.... you may have gotten ripped....


Looks like a green bta.. or something similar.

Tank looks great!

If you want an RBTA and were sold that as an RBTA id go rip the shop a new one

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its looked really pink in there tank with green tips. I just upgraded my lighting to 20k xm mh lighting. Its still very blue, hasent burned in yet. Maybe thats why it looks differnt.

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About the liverock, since this is your first reef you WILL have some algae issues, I would move the lr away from the glass to make it easier to clean.


Tank looks great! :)

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Thanks for the advice. There is one peice of rock on the right that is against the tank. I have to try to move it over some without messing up the rest of my rock cause i really like the way i have it now but it doesnt leave me alot of room to place stuff on the sand bed.

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My advice for you is to get rid of the following items:


1) Lawnmower Blenny. They don't really eat algae, they eat copepods. A 30 gallon tank is not big enough to sustain it's lifestyle.


2) Elegance coral. If you just bought it save your money and return it. Unless you have a saltwater lagoon it will die.


3) There are WAY to many fish in there from a bioload perspective. Unless you have a big A$$ skimmer you aren't telling us about.


But........The tank does look very nice.

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Are you talking about the same blenny? Every lawnmower blenny I've ever seen was in a tank eating algae. I agree that it will probably outgrow a 30 gallon, but regular feedings of formula 2 should keep it pretty happy. As for the elegance coral, my LFS's owner has a elegance coral thats he has kept for over 10 years. Feed them baby brine and keep the calcium up and they'll do fine.

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Yeah, i would have to agree with T?@7, that doesn't look like a rose BTA. The LFS here sells RBTA's for $200 to $300! The nasty thing is they actually sell like hot cakes. But i got mine from a local reefer. He sells them for $75. I had my blenny in a 30 gal for 12 months before i upgraded my tank to a 60 gal.

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Helbert, where do you buy your coral and fish from? I live in Mount Airy and I frequently go to the Pet and Hobby store ito buy corals in Bethania, which is right out side of winston. I don't know of any other saltwater fish stores near winston?

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I usually go to greensboro at either aquamain's or the aquarium shop which is the prefered one, the are always very helpful. Its worth the drive to me to get quality stuff and pet and hobby is way over priced on most of there stuff.

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