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LR question

Small Reefer

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What does it mean when my LR has this rust color to it. The LFS says it's fiji LR and I think it is but it's looking more like dead rock. One side has some coral skeleton i think but now it's turn rusty too and the other side has nothing growing. I didn't getting any hitchhikers at all and it was caked in dirt. Question, if I take out the LR and do another scrubbing to get all the dirt and stuff off does that start a cycle over again? Also how does coraline start to grow on the LR what you do have to do to get it started? Thanks.

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Can I ask how long the tank has ben set up? It's probably just a diatom bloom, perfectly normal in a cycling tank and they'll go away on their own. You really don't need to take the rock out and scrub it, although you can if it bothers you that much. Just be sure to do it in a bucket of SW, not fresh. Really though, once the tank is cycled and you add your clean up crew they will take care of the mess for you.

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It's going on 4 weeks now. I tried to limit the lighting as much as possible cause it does raise the heat a bit and it's been hot lately. It just seemed odd cause everyone's tank has bright rocks but when I bought mine they were all rusted looking is that what diatoms looks like?

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Smelled like sea water. Not cured I was cycling it but it looked rusted. I had thought that's how some of them came but no one seems to have that problem with their LR.

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the only time LR restarts a cycle is when its uncured. The die off from it is what creates the ammonia spike so if your lr is already cured then scrubbing it wont cause a new cycle.

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Oh okay. Thanks. I might just do that then. Hopefully my perc Moco will not mind me grabbing his home out and putting it back in. And that it doesn't get rid of too many good bacteria growing on the LR but I will not scrubb too much.

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I agree with Caja. Look in the pictures section, and you will be able to see examples of the diatom bloom. Throw in some snails to help clean up the rock, and hopefully it will burn itself out in a couple of weeks.

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Well I came home to an all hell broke loose tank. The water was really brown and murky must be from the diatom or something. So I had to scrubb down the rocks. I did a 25% water change and things are looking better. Kinda did a little rearrangement of the LR. Moco seems to be swimming around and stuff but I still can't get him to eat. Do you think he was use to what they were feeding him at the store? I might have to take him back hopefully they will take him back and he recovers and eats. I will wait it out a little longer to watch the tank to see if I get a second cycle. Then I will start again with Moco II.

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pictures are extremely helpful. I have rust colored coralline algae in my tank.


Now, I will make one very important suggestion: Always have the LFS FEED YOUR FISH BEFORE YOU BUY IT. Followed by ALWAYS ASK WHAT THE FISH HAS BEEN EATING @ THE LFS> and then bring some home with you.


Do a water change, do some picture research on the type of algae bloom. Algae blooms can appear rather quickly, but it is no reason to panic. If you're really fraked out my it, prepare your water for a water change, then scrape the glass just prior to or during the water change to siphon it out. I do the water changes on my small tanks with airline tubing: slower controlled flow to target siphon what you want out.


Also: pop some specs on your tanks, including test parameters, and we'll be able to direct you a little better. ;)

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Yeah I'm looking to get a digi cam soon. Have to save up for it.


I got him from Petco... saw them feed him was eating fine. I have tons of food at home like spirulina and brine shrimp so I thought it would be okay. The first day he ate the brimp shrimp and was all happy they he just decided to stop eating.


Tank specs:

3gal eclipse

h.o.t. filter removed bio-wheel (35gph output)

micro-jet 320- max 73 gph

acura 1000 50 watt heater

5lb LR and 5lb LS

test param: 0ppm amm, 0ppm nitrite, 20ppm trate (trying to lower this with water changes)

been about 4 weeks thought cycle must have been over. then the bloom happened.


The rust stuff on the rock looks like from some sort of coral death or something. Will the surface still been able to have coraline growth or coral spawn?

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Oh forgot to add 2x13w 50/50 lights. yup yup it gets hot for a 3 gal though. think of a way to prop the thing up farther from the surface of the water.

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Does the eclipse 3 have the swing up cover on it? I just leave the cover open on my Galaxy 5 (WalMart eclipse tank).


Sounds like you are just going though a typical cycle, so don't over-think it. Water changes and keep an eye on things. i will look for a picture of the rust-colored coralline I have in my tank a(pics are on the computer in my other office.)

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Well hopefully everything will pan out fine soon. yeah I keep the hood cover open. Thanks. Cross fingers. Preciate the response everyone.

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Oh...haha now that you said that it does sound funny. But I didn't know spanish so didn't get it. I named him after a cartoon character. Oh wells snot he is...lol

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