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fungus on clowfish due to cannabilizing dead fish?


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I noticed that my royal gamma has been scratching on the sand for a couple of days then all of a sudden I haven't seen him for 2 days. One of my clowns has started to get fungus on him. Four days have passed and still no sign of royal gamma. I think he died when I went away for the weekend. Clown getting worse with the fungus, but he is eating like crazy. What gives?

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I would suggest you try and locate the dead fish or you're going to end up with a huge ammonia spike. The clown probably has ich and the gramma more than likely did too.

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cajastan is correct.


I will add that in the mean time, suppliment the clownfishes diet with garlic extract and vitamin enriched food. Usually you can pick these items up at your local fish store. Add a few drops of each to a glass, place the fish food in there to soak with a little bit of tank water. After a good soaking, feed away.


I would also get some Melafix. This should be available in most all pets stores. Follow the dosing requirements on the bottle. Melafix can treat external problems. Some say it will not cure ich or help it in any way. I tend to disagree as my clowns were literally covered in it after our long power outtage. I double dosed my tank (I had barely any corals so it did not matter) and the fish were fine the next day.


It is reef safe. So follow the directions and you should be good to go.


Good Luck



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Well, I cant suggest it because I never did it, and I dont think I would, BUT I hear of people give them Fresh water baths for like a second or so, they just dip in the fish, and then put it back in the tank, BUT I cant tell you to do that, look into it first, it SHOULD take the ich off of the fish, but it will still be on any other fish in the tank (if there are any others) Good luck!

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