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Tap Water


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okay so help me out here....


So I was debating this with a reefing friend of mine that has a tap water reef. He has some really delicate things in there, lots of sponges and tunicates, along with your basic cheaper soft corals that can't be killed. Brown plays and such... I have some an RO unit laying around I wanted him to have for helping me out one day. He said it wouldn't help b/c we have a reverse osmosis plant in Jupiter that all our water goes through, which is correct. Is that water really RO? If so then do they make a stand alone DI?

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Mike and john,

If either of you (I guess john's friend) can participate in the new survey I just posted, that would be great.


BTW, 15 years is pretty conclusive that your water is ok. :)


If so then do they make a stand alone DI?


Yes, I think that's pretty common. Actually, the water in my area is pure enough that the RO might be overkill and unnecessarily wasteful... Here's a local (to me) water company that sells just DI stuff (just an example).

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A municipal plant using RO normally treats only a portion of the total water then blends it with non RO water. This is done to reduce something that is above the EPA maximum contaminant level to a level low enough it can be mixed with other sources so the resulting blend meets EPA levels.

Even then it only means the water is safe for human consumption when it leaves the plant. Nothing says it will prevent a dig in by a contractor or a backflow incident. I still only trust my RO/DI and I'm a treatment plant supervisor by profession.

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thought so. they brag about the water here, it cost us and arm and a leg awhile back. we had really clean water, some locals found out it had a small amount of EPA safe arsenic, but arsenic all the same, there was a long "Cancer Water" protest, and now this smaller town is pretty cutting edge. We desalinize to reduce draw on the aquifer, to ro plants, one in the north and one in the south for a really small town. But yeah I don't think it is the same either. I should have him TDS his water. I am in Stuart now but I grew up there so we talk and I post about Jupiter like I still live there but I am 15 minutes north now. I will see how that works out for him.

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I have used tap for over a yr now, but I try to top off with RO when my jug is full! Some one said pure water evaporates so put pure water back in. This made a lot of sense to me and didnt want to keep adding additional minerals to the tank. Soon I will be using a 55g food drum I have to stock up!


What do you think about the fluoride poison being pumped into us all? I know it dont benefit us, what could it do to the animals?

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I have used tap for over a yr now, but I try to top off with RO when my jug is full! Some one said pure water evaporates so put pure water back in. This made a lot of sense to me and didnt want to keep adding additional minerals to the tank. Soon I will be using a 55g food drum I have to stock up!


What do you think about the fluoride poison being pumped into us all? I know it dont benefit us, what could it do to the animals?


You know, I was thinking of doing the exact same thing - I can totally deal with getting a little bit each week at the store to fill up the ATO.


I have no clue how the fluoride affects fish... Or people (I've read a lot about it but I'm undecided)... :) I've grown up in a fluoride area and I've never had any cavities, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

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