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Cultivated Reef

4 to 5 month First real pics of my 30g :Heavy file load:


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The tank is 30 gal,

I've got approx 35lb of Live rock, and 20lb of Live Sand,

I'm running a 24" Jebo PC. on the back is CPR Bak Pak with bbx, and an Aquaclear 300 w/a carbon bag. Rio 600 across the front, and a heater in the bak pak (can't remeber watts)


Last tested

Temp 76

Salinity is 1.023,

Nitrite 0,

Nitrate ranges with safe limits (can't rember exact amount but there was no need for alarm)

Phophate is .8 which seems high, yet I have very little algie (can't figure that one out)

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So far i've liked my jebo, I have it for about 3 months now. Works good. It's the only light i've ever owned, so I can't compare it to anything, but I've had good results with all my corals and inverts so far.

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In one of the pictures, the xenia looks like it's hanging down a little, is it healthy? And how fast has your xenia growing? I'm thinking about getting a some xenia and I'm not sure If I'll have enough room for it in my tank.

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Lgoins yea the xenia is doing fine, that patch your are talking about was getting swept down from the powerhead, which I slighty changed the angle of if you look in the pic below that the same patch is pointing up.

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Just noticed you have two different types of clowns in there, do they get along well? I've always heard different types of clowns in the same tank will kill each other. Also, is the tank a 30 gallon cube?

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