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Spider Web Looking Substance


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I've been letting my 15 gallon nano cycle for a couple of days now.


When I checked my tank this morning there was what appeared to be a white silky substance all over my LR, is this normal or what do I need to do to combat it?



Aslo, there are a couple of white worms crawling on my glass, should I be concerned about this?


Thanks in advance for your help!

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it could be vermetid snail webbing but since it's a cycling tank i would doubt it, the snails would be upchucking. :x


could be light/faint algae with dust adhering to it.


could be trails of slime from snails, worms or such with dust clinging to it.


either way, it shouldn't be a problem unless it starts smothering animals you put in. blow it off with a turkey baster and see if it returns. try to trace the 'webbing' to see if it comes from a source or if there's any structure to it.


long thin white worms? they should be fine. i forget the name but they're probably detritus eaters that probe around. they move pretty fast? i always think of hyperactive shrews when i see them. their movements (at the head) remind me of the fast probing movements of a shrew digging around. ahhh, the discovery channel. :happy:

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