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Cultivated Reef

How long to leave light on tank?


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Technically you don't have to run the lights at all during the cycle. I posted in another thread for someone who asked something similar; I've cycled two tanks, one with a lighting cycle and later one without. The one without a lighting cycle had significantly less algae outbreaks during the cycle.


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Wouldn't all the coralline algae and other various photosynthetic creatures die if you don't give them a regular-scheduled lighting period? I was thinking of leaving the lights on for about 4-6 hours until the cycle is done, then return to the normal 10-12 hour period daily, to control the algae outbreaks during cycling.

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I feel that it is most important to cycle your tank with a normal photoperiod. I think that by not dealing with the algae bloom while the tank cyles is only delaying the inevitable. In addition there are far too many photosythetic organisms you are trying to establish early on in your tanks life to create a stable ecosystem.

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definately cycle tank with normal photo period, especially if you get LR from LFS. They dont keep the lights off there if you got it from LFS. My tank instantly cycled, my LR was from LFS and transit time to my tank was probably 15 min. Never had ammonia spikes or any readings of nitrite, nitrate in my tank. It was great...

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Thanks for the replies. I've been leaving the lights on for a normal period. Just about to take my first ammonia reading 7 days after starting the process.




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