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K1 and tunze 6045 on wavemaker?


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i dont use maxijets though..i heard that as long as the wavemaker has soft start that any PH will work and that it depends more on the wavemaker.is this true?

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The K1 & 6045 weren't designed for wavemaker devices. If I were you, since you have a nice tank w/nice gear. Why not go for one of those Vortechs? People here are getting sweet deals in those Group Buys in the classified section.

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yeah but even with the deals, there still over 150..and the resear im getting for 50..so you think that being on a wavemaker will hurt my PH's?

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yes those pumps are not made to be started and stopped... plus the props on them are directional and will start spinning any direction (meaning the water will flow the wrong direction sometimes)... if your looking for wave making you have to get something that is designed for a wave maker... either Maxi Jets or prop style pumps that are designed for it (koralia makes some)

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my LFS has reg 3# and #4 on wavemakers..but since they sometimes start backwards..they bounce off that stopper a bunch of times before they kick in going the right way..You can do it but that clicking sound might get annoying fast or the stoppers will break off and they will spin in reverse and it will shorten the life of the pump

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Yes... the K1s and the Tunze aren't made for wavemakers...you will break them with any wavemaker... as these wavemakers are made for powerheads not these ones..... sometimes if you even pull the plug and replug on the Korilas several times.... you can jam it... I have that issue with my Nanos... this already shows that the Rea Sea wavemaker will produce the same effect...as what it does is just 'power on/off" the Kordila to just get the wavemaking effect....


That why they have their own Kordila/Tunze 'wavemaker' versions....


Also the cost of the Rea Sea wavemaker and the tunze + K1... is almost the same price as the Vortech MP20... and it will do much better in your solana...

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Yes... the K1s and the Tunze aren't made for wavemakers...you will break them with any wavemaker... as these wavemakers are made for powerheads not these ones..... sometimes if you even pull the plug and replug on the Korilas several times.... you can jam it... I have that issue with my Nanos... this already shows that the Rea Sea wavemaker will produce the same effect...as what it does is just 'power on/off" the Kordila to just get the wavemaking effect....


That why they have their own Kordila/Tunze 'wavemaker' versions....


Also the cost of the Rea Sea wavemaker and the tunze + K1... is almost the same price as the Vortech MP20... and it will do much better in your solana...


ok well thats good i didn't buy one then..well i was gonna get the red sea for 50 used and i got my K1 for 25 and tunze for 50 so only 125 whereas the vortech is like 250..i want it though..maybe someday lol

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i called tunze and he said the same thing that you guys have said but that they can be turned on and off safely every 15 mins. so if i could find a wavemaker that has longer time intervals, that might work. i wonder if K1's are the same?

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