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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Has cycling finished?


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Hi all,


I would appreciate some help and have a few questions for you experienced reefers.


2 weeks have now passed since starting my new tank and both last weeks test results (end week 1) and today's (end week 2) don't seem to have changed.


My results are as follows:


Ammonia: 0.1

Nitrite: 0.1

Nitrate: 25

PH: 8.5 (I am adding "PH Down" to try and reduce this to 7)

Gravity: 1.022


1. With these above results, would it be possible cycling has finished?


2. Apart from this brown algae on my LR I mentioned in a previous post, there is a considerable amount of crap on the surface of the water. I'm presuming when I start with the water changes this will help remove it, but as I am not using any form of mechanical filter is there anything else I should do?


3. A you can see from my basic setup "listed below", will my lighting be sufficient to sustain most corals, inverts and a few fish?


The lighting looks ok to the eye and the brown algae stuff seems to have thrived, but if more white light is better I could swap the actinic light for another daylight tube, thus doubling the output of white to 36w.


4. Regarding flow-rate and pumps. With my tank being so tall, If I put the intake of the pump near the bottom, the surface water is hardly broken so I have it about mid way. What is the best position for the pump to be?


5. The gravity of the "pre-mixed" salt water I used and will use from a local supplier, is around 1.020-1.021. I see most of the advise given on this board is to use water around 1.023, Is this crucial?


Until my next visit to the marine centre where I can buy some salt, I have been topping up with salt water rather than RO, to raise the level.


6. As you can see from this picture below:





My tank is tall rather than long. With this is mind, how many "clean-up" crew should I add for a start. What frequency should I keep adding them and what would be the total amount I will be advised to build up to in the long run?


Also, with it being a tall tank, which type of fish, if any, would be best suited to this?


Thanks in advance



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NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Do not reduce your pH to 7!!!!! You want it to be that high.


With regards to the specific gravity... the reason most people say 1.023 is to allow for fluctuations and to remain in a safe range.


One other suggestion... lose the background on the tank. Less is more IMO.


Good luck

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Originally posted by jasontatro

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  Do not reduce your pH to 7!!!!!  You want it to be that high.


With regards to the specific gravity... the reason most people say 1.023 is to allow for fluctuations and to remain in a safe range.


One other suggestion... lose the background on the tank.  Less is more IMO.


Good luck

Word! Saltwater tank pH levels need to be around 8.3 not 7. Your pH right now is fine...DO NOT ADD PH DOWN!!!! According to the inof you mentioned your tank appears clsoe to cycled but I'd still give it a week or so.
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Your cycling is not finished until trite, trate, and amonia are all at ZERO, Id say you have another week or 2. Also, 1.022 is great for FO tank but for corals you want 1.025.

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I agree with the pH 8.1-8.3 and salinity I run around 1-024-1.026.


Give the tank another week. And I would have to concurr with Jason, that background really distracts from the beauty of the clean bare tank. If you still like to keep it covered find one of those tank coverers in the solid blue or black. It would look much more crisp and clean IMHO.

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Hi all,


Thanks for your speedy replies.


I have stopped trying to reduce the PH and have removed the background, which does look better.


Thanks for the tips on the salinity. Before I add any corals etc I will increase it as recommended and any further purchases of water I will ask for a specific salinity.


Regarding my test results, after reading other posts regarding various test kits used, I'm just wondering if the test kit I am using (Interpet Easy Test) is accurate.


Do all test kits have test tubes and a colour card to compare results, or are there some form of digital tests which gives a read out with a specific value?


If you guys recommend any particular test kits, which are available online in the UK, please post some info.


Any comments on my other questions regarding lighting/flow/numbers and types of fish/inverts/corals would be appreciated.


Thanks again



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