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2 years on my 54 corner bow


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thanks guys

How do you keep sweepers from burning nearby corals? Just curious.
Can you explain more about what is the sweepers. I have allot of stuff in my tanks are you refuring to my dsb w/ bristle worms are those sweepers?
what kind of tang
Sailfin not sure what exact kind though.:blush: Can you guys believe I having done a water change in 7 months:o
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Nice pics brad... Taking into account how pics seldom do justice, especially in MY hands... Your tank looks super! How about a few shots of how you have your MH and actinics setup for future corner bow owners?

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Never mind - you just answered my question -- you don't worry about it.


Sweepers are long tentacles put out by LPS that are used to sting anything else nearby that might compete for space. Since your tank is tight packed yet thriving, I thought it might be an issue that you were managing.

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Dingo, tentacles, thats what I would have more understood. Yes I do care and no its not that packed were I have a problem yet. I have seen some sweepers from my hammer get suck to a mushroom but things go back to normal and nothing is hurt.;) If anything I'm having troblems with the xenia growing to fast and taking over.


Mnesarchus, I have a yellow tang also and they both have been living fine for over a year now.


SeaMountain, heres some pics of the setup before it was finished. I build the top myself.

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I wont get up on a soapbox here but a sailfin and yellow in a 54g is not a good idea unless you plan on putting them in a new tank.


BTW the type of sailfin is not a real issue, they are big fish.

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a sailfin and yellow in a 54g is not a good idea unless you plan on putting them in a new tank.


I always find it funny when someone says you cannot or should not do..... When this site is based on people who are doing what could or should not be done.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ummm.....................I was away sorry I could not respond .

Anyway, there is a difference between telling and suggesting. I simply sugest that a grazing fish who grows to a possible 16" is not a good idea for a tank that size. UNLESS the owner is aware of the fishes potential size and needs and can fulfill them.

THERE Caesar DOES THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY ????? I thought the first way I said it was very civil.


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