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Cultivated Reef

What's the best action to take?


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I am a complete beginner to marine fish. My tank is currently two weeks into cycling.


Could somebody please advise what is the best action to take if any with this covering of "brown" stuff?








All the LR I have is cured and apart from leaving the lights on for 10-12 hrs daily and topping up with RO water, I am not doing anything with it.


Thanks in advance



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Until your tank is done cycling, use a shorter lighting period(3-4 hrs/day). Cycling produces waste in the water that promotes algae. After the tank is done cycling, add a cleanup crew, and that should take care of it.

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Diatoms.... totally normal. Looks exactly the way my tank looked at that age. It will burn itself out. You could add some nassarius snails to stir the sand up a bit. Those little guys crack me up. When I put food in for my perc, they all come crawling out of the sand. It's amazing that they can "smell" the food that quickly.

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