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powerhead for a 10 gal?


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I read that I need a pwr head with a flow rate of 7-10 times the vol. of the tank. I'm going with a 10 gal tank, what head would ya'll recommend? I plan on keeping xenia's, zoo's, and star polyp's with no fish further down the road.

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Well, alot of people go with two 70gph Powerheads, I use a 80gph PH with a 100gph HOB (hang on back filter) its an AquaClear mini, I use it for Carbon.


Good luck, read A LOT of books, and ask as many questions as you need.

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flow should be 8-12x for a reef but for the nano most people go 10-20x and without fish I would not go lower than 15x

Phish has the right setup avoid using 1 source of flow. a good suggestion is a mini type HOB and a small power head and put them on oppisite sides of the tank for balanced flow throughout the tank and the 3 things you listed like a moderate flow. just dont point the flow directly on anything.

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mini-jet 404 i think it is would be good, 2 of em or 1 mini-jet 606 which is 150gph which is good for a 10gal. I read aquaclear hagens are good too but maxijets are "supposedly" the best

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Right now I have a Hagen 201 that is adjustable in one back corner, a small MicroJet 302 in the opposite back corner, and a AC Mini HOB set to about middle range near the back center. All running simutaneously.


My plans are to build a closed loop system with a SCWD device to alternate flow using a Quiet One 1200 water pump rated at 296gph if I recall correctly. Still may use the MJ302 to blow across the lower back to keep things moving back there.


My thoughts are to always err on the high side, and then you can adjust the flow downwards if need be.

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