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My 10G MH 250W 20K XM Preview


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Got bored last night and decided to hang the pendant and fire up the MH over the 10g (Debating on getting an oceanic 30 or 37 cube, or an all glass 29 or 37 to upgrade the 10 to) and see how it looked for a couple minutes. Since I have a HOT Remora I raised the pendant to 16" so that I wouldn't shock the corals too much or melt the skimmer. First pic of the room lit up by it:


Second pic of the front (pardon the fuzziness. Didn't realize it until after I had turned off the MH and photoperiod was off):


Right Side Aerial Shot:


Left Side Aerial Shot:


Left Side Aerial Shot straight down:


The pics are a bit more blue than what they appear to the human eye but not by much. Brand new bulb and it whitens up a bit after burn in. Soon I'll have my new tank and the 10G will be no more.

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250 watts on a 10gallon...wow, no wonder it is so high up. Does next door complain at night? I've seen 400watts over a 20 gallon...but 250 over a 10 is a record watts/gallon in my book!!!

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Lol. It's not permanent. Well maybe if I had everything in a sump and not HOT but I'd rather use the 250W to my advantage. :)


Even with just the 2x36 kit in a canopy over it my room was lit up a bit by the window in the pic. One morning while dosing the tank before I work I left the front (actinic) side of the canopy up and driving home you could see the blue shining thru my closed blinds and onto the yard around my window and into the neighbors yard. I think the neighbors think I'm growing things "other" than coral. :)

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They can say what they want, but I think the tank is doing super.

I believe in light!!!!!!

Nice job friend!

a waste of wattage, but nice tank non the less.

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LOL. Agreed it is a waste of wattage but it won't be once I get the larger tank which is what the pendant is for. ;) I only ran the tank like this to see how the pendant lit the tank as well as being bored so I went ahead and hung it up vs. waiting for the larger tank. Got tired of seeing it sitting unused in my room.

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OK-Like I have said in almost all of my posts-I'm getting a larger tank in less than a week if not tomorrow. I got bored the evening of the 9th and decided to go ahead and hang the fixture and work out ballast location etc. as I was tired of having the fixture sit in my room. I figured since it was hung that I'd fire it up well above the tank to just see how it looked and to see the shimmer which lasted all of 45 minutes.

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I wish I had DE bulbs with an IceCap ballasts (had dual 250 ice caps, and an icecap 430 but sold it all :( Kicks self in head). Stuck with a PFO and a SE bulb for now. Soon enough though I'll need some UV filters. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice. I remember seeing that and drooling. That first shot is awesome. Did you ever have any melting or warpage issues with your HOT filter? Reason mine is up so high is b/c I really don't want to melt or warp the Remora on the back. Going to lower it a bit tonight (I've started running it full time as it has brought out green polyps from my previous brown digitatas) and see how it fares tomorrow. Soon I'll have the 37 cube with the skimmer integrated and I can keep the pendant 6" above the water. :)

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Nope it never melted the hob. To be honest I wish I still had the tank. I just kept wanting it to get bigger and bigger and now I have gone from the 10 to a 20H, then to a 20H drilled now to my 29. I am happy with the 29 but miss my little tank. I am considering setting up a 7 or 10 with a 150W 20K HQI.


BTW, did you say 37 cube? Never seen one. What are the dimensions and what are you planning on growing and what are your plans as far as being drilled or what?

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The 37 is just a bit wider than the 30 on this thread.. Here is a another 37.


Petsmart carries the 30G ($130 sometimes $99) in Black and Maple trim and the 37G ($150) in Maple trim only which matches jack crap in my room. Oh well. People shouldn't be looking at the trim anway. Will throw together some oak borders and cover it up. :)


I'll still have the 10 and the stand and canopy with 2x36 PC if I want to setup another small one (have a 5.5 Mantis tank, 7g Alife, 7g Minibow, and my 42G Hex).


As far as drilling setup etc. I'm planning on not drilling (don't have the room unless I buy a new stand) and putting in a 1/2" thick black acrylic fake back coming out from the corners at a 45 degree angle and meeting in the tank then running parallel to the back for 6" about 5" out from the back. The pieces coming from the corners will be slotted for overflows and baffles will be in place to have a constant level for my Remora turned Urchin and for the MAG5 or stronger hooked to a scwd then to two 3/4" loc line returns on Y's coming out of the acrylic. Hoping to not have to use the Iceprobe on this tank but we'll see.


I'm debating on going bare bottom or not. If I do go bare bottom I may put down GSP (I have a wee bit of it and its growing up the front a few inches :)) on the bottom and have it as my substrate. That or find a massive peice of shelf and put it on the bottom and create a tower of tonga, kaelini, or marshall island rock with SPS spread around it. Would love to make a tonga wall or christmas tree look with various SPS on each piece of the tonga. Still debating the whole aquascaping thing. Any thoughts?

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With the amount of flow (think mag 9.5 instead of the 5) I'm planning I don't want to have a sand storm all of the time like a few of my other tanks. :)

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Originally posted by wetworx101

but 250 over a 10 is a record watts/gallon in my book!!!


Go here if you think 250 over a 10 is a lot. This guy has 400 plus 2-28w pc over his 7. :o

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Southdown but I generally overdo it with depth. Lately all of my substrates have been getting pretty ugly as well so I'm going bare bottom for a change. If the GSP doesn't work out then I'll probably put some white poster board under the tank to reflect light back up into it.

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Have you done a lot of research on bare bottom tanks? Just because the sand gets dirty, your going to go bare bottom. Don't you think the bottom of the tank will get dirty. You can vacuum sand just as easily as glass bottom, can't you?

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I have done quite a bit of research on bare bottom tanks. The top of the sand or bottom of a bare bottom tank isn't the problem as you said I can vacuum it out. It's the rest of the DSB that gets nasty over time. I could go with a DSB and make the trim that tall to where it can be seen but I'm not going to go that route.

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oh, I see! I have never considered a bare bottom tank. Everytime I think about it, I keep thinking about lr laying on it and falling and busting out the bottom.

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Yeah I am the same way with tanks suspended by a stand. No issues so far with rock falling through but I still won't stick my head under my 42G hex stand even though it's been up and running for me (tank and stand are over 10 years old Oceanic) for over 2 years now.

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