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what to do about shrimps stealing food from corals?


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i've been trying to feed the frog spawn and torch by gently shooting food at them out of a big dropper. i do this after feeding the other guys in the tank, namely the clown fishes and shrimps. but the cleaners and peppermints still go and dig up the food from the corals. what can i do about it?

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give the cleaner shrimp their food first, then feed the fish. While they are dining, feed the corals.


Personally, I have yet to target dees my euphyllia, and they are still growing like gangbusters.

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Feeding my Ricordia is a Pain in the Arse, I gotta sit with my dowel, and keep my cleaner away. He knows it too man, as soon as the ric swallows it , and my dowel comes out of the water, he is all over it trying to scrap any leftover food> I will even feed a chunk of shrimp or veggie cube, and he will still come after the ric,,, man my arm is tired after 5 - 10 minutes of that,,,,,,but it's cool to watch so I dont mind, The ric will "slime" the food so it can slurp it all up, pretty neat :)

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i agree with ken, feed the shrimp and fish until they're sated then target the corals. otherwise, if they (shrimp & etc.) smell the food inside the coral, they will rip it open if they can! :o

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You can try using a basket like the ones that strawberries come in and feed the coral then place the basket over it while it eats to help keep the shrimp out.



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