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Coral Vue Hydros

From a 20 Long to a 55 new tank and skimmer


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Ok, Im sure you guys saw my 20 long that had pc lights and a 175 MH....well....I cam across a great deal on a 55 with a coralife 48 inch PC fixture with moonlights, and a coralife 65 skimmer, and a quietone 3000 pump and a overflow box, heres the pics!!!







Added water on 3/6






I dont know how I keep coming across such good deals but I had a guy write me about my Coralife 4x65 watt retrofit kit, and my coralife 4x65 watt fixture....he offered to trade me (2) 250 watt metal halides ballast, reflectors and everything for them so i did it!! Then took my 175MH and traded it for two 2month old 14k 250watt bulbs, stay tuned, Im fixing to start a canopy for the metal halides while my tank cycles. If anyone has any goo diy hoods or hanging canopys please post a link!!! I could use some ideas...

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i think the coralife skimmers doing a good job and its dead near silent, i still havent mounted the mhs, anyone have any ideas on housing my 250w mhs in a canopy on the 55

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The Propagator

What sort of canopy ? The fixture that's on it now or a wooden canopy like what comes with a canopy/stand combo ?

Post a pic of it and I'll be able to suggest some thing reasonable I think once I see what you have to work with.

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its just (2) 250 mhs in parabolic reflectors that arent in any fixture just the sockets sticking in the reflectors, ill post a pic later, if i had spider reflectors i could come up with something fairly easy

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see they're just half round parabolics


can someone post a link to how to cycle and what to look for and the basics of cycling my 20l was pretty much already cycled, this 55. 50% of the 55g is from the 20 long so im wondering when how and if im going to even cycle

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I just hate these damn reflectors, theyre so ugly. Are there any diys for reflectors



Sure there are, but they don't seem like bad reflectors. I'd say go with what prop said and build a canopy for them. That way you don't have to look at the things. Pick up a pair of fans for cooling though.

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Ok, well last friday (3/6) I added water, the following day I added my live rock ( which came out of my 20l which had origionally came out of a well established system) and I added a piece into the fuge part of my sump. The 6500k clip on runs at night on the live rock in the fuge. I havent ran any lighting on the main tank yet, other than what sunlight comes through the window. My question is when should I run my lights? I have nuthing for supplement yet, just my 2 250w MHs. What should I do ? btw im testing water tomm.

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Ok, well last friday (3/6) I added water, the following day I added my live rock ( which came out of my 20l which had origionally came out of a well established system) and I added a piece into the fuge part of my sump. The 6500k clip on runs at night on the live rock in the fuge. I havent ran any lighting on the main tank yet, other than what sunlight comes through the window. My question is when should I run my lights? I have nuthing for supplement yet, just my 2 250w MHs. What should I do ? btw im testing water tomm.


Run some PCs until your cycle is complete.

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ok, the canopys almost done, and my tanks replumbed using both hob overflows i made hofer gurgle busters and i swear they are dead silent. i highly recommend get rid of your dursos and stockmans. i have a question, ive been told to paint the inside of my canopy white, but i need to know what kind? what type? need to know from someone whose painted theirs thanks!

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ok, the canopys almost done, and my tanks replumbed using both hob overflows i made hofer gurgle busters and i swear they are dead silent. i highly recommend get rid of your dursos and stockmans. i have a question, ive been told to paint the inside of my canopy white, but i need to know what kind? what type? need to know from someone whose painted theirs thanks!


nice nitrate was at what 20 ppm on your other post?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, heres an update, tanks cycled(didnt really go through one). I traded a few things.....all my PC lighting for (2) 250mhs, Im a sheetmetal man, so I made my own spider reflectors out of some parabolic ones that came with the lights. I traded my 55 tank and (2) overflow boxes + my new coralife 65 skimmer for a 55g thats drilled with an internal overflow and its perrrty, Also picked up a Tunze classic DOC skimmer, and man it skims awesome. Ill be posting some new shots in a min.

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