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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Heater Recommendations


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When I was studying up to start the nano the consensus seemed to be EBO was the most reliable heater, i.e. most likely to NOT cook your livestock. Of course there will still be someone who had an Ebo that overheated.....maybe it was 30 years old or something..


I have EBO's in all my tanks now... :)

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Ebo it is... thanks for your recommendations. A 50 watt should do it for a 12 gallon (I live in Las Vegas not Anchorage)?

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Is your heater inside your tank or inside like a protein skimmer.

I heard you can put it inside a protein skimmer is this correct thing to do. If anybody knows please let me know so I don't make a big mistake.

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I am going to order a 50 watt Ebo this weekend from one of the Internet sites. I dont have a protein skimmer... so it will be inside my tank behind the rock in the back. I think I have enough current to evenly heat it. Its mostly for overnight because during the day my tank stays pretty consistantly at 80F with the light on.

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i had an ebo it boiled my friggin nano right after if finished it's cycle!!!!!!


any it wasn't 50 years old it was probably just a bad heater. the lfs where i got it called ebo and they sent a new one, which i traded to the lfs.


i went heaterless for a while but when i moved back in to the doorms i put an old really small heater in my tank that i've had for years. it's really to small to heat my tank but i keep it on there to insure my nano won't freeze. the heater keeps my tank above 76 degress. (it usually runs between 82 and 80 degrees)


i sleep alot better at night know that no matter how long me heater runs i wont be having seafood soup when i get up in the morning. but that my nano wont freeze either.

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