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Pod Your Reef

Pick your Top 3 tools.


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I'm compiling a list of tools that are very handy to have for a Nano Reef. I figure that maybe some of you pros have some special tool that is amazing for specific common problems. If you could list 1 to 3 of your favorites for me that would be wonderful. I know that most Reefers have the standard fare of a Turkey Baster and the long forceps, but is there anything else that is just amazing to have?


Best regards,



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1. Turkey Baster

2. My Stainless Steel Forceps

3. And my glass measuring cup... for adding top-off water. The handy dandy spout causes no spillage. :)

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Razor Blade, for cleaning glass, slicing and dicing frags, and cutting tubes, wires, removing silicone.. maybe some other stuff too.


Large, but manageable water bucket for changing water, topping off evap, and transporting LR or frags or fish between the tanks in my house.


I use a turkey baster or 15cc syringe to blast stuff, or to get water from my tank for my frozen food to thaw and soak in Selcon!


Some 1/2 tube is very important for siphoning!

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1. moneyz

2. moneyz

3. moneyz


and someone to buy your frags for the moneyz :P

hehe.. when r the tubbs blues gonna be fragged?

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Tanque Verde

nimble super

a long thin piece of acrylic pipe (good for stirring sand, flipping snails, etc.)

a box of tiny black rubber bands

a bag of small zip ties (all plastic or nylon)

extension cords


silicone lubricant

a box of small labels for labeling cords

small cutting board for prepping food

XS tupperware containers for storing single-serving of frozen foods

drip tray for shelf or cabinet

plastic tube clamps

tubing with ball valve (convenient for siphoning)

eggcrate, misc. pvc., misc tubing, filterfloss

misc. small tupperware containers

notepad, journal, sticky notes, etc

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no one has said there hands yet..... good luck using those gloves with out them...

you beat me to it. :)

but seriously thats why god gave them to you. :P

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besides the already mentioned


1. refillable beverage container with spout--for easy top offs in small nanos or picos

2. plastic siringe with pointed tip--great fot injecting lemon juice into aiptasia

3. large metal blade algae scraper with handle--great for removing coralina (much easier to handle then a razer blade)

4. adjustable airline tubing valve-great for aclimating coral and fish

5. lots and lots of hose clamps--saves the carpet from the water wiggle hoses who wont stay in place.


i want to make a suggestion for this thread.

On the first Post i think it would be a great idea to make a list of all the tools we have come up with it would make it easier for people to learn about the different tools about and maybe think thats a great idea and go out and get one. it would be escially great for people new to the hobby.

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