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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Nano? How many gallons?


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I am considering a 40 gallon tank. I presently have an Eclipse 12 nano and its doing better than I ever expected with weekly 1 gallon water changes and charcoal filter pad. My question is when is a nano no longer a nano? At how many gallons does the mini ecosystem principles of biological filtration stop working and in order for a system not to crash you have to have skimmer, cannister filter, etc. I think I understand the need for light intensity based upon gallons but I dont understand why nano systems cant be expanded to many more gallons. Thanks.

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Oh, I think you can use nano principles in as big a tank as you want -- as long as you are willing to do the 10% or 20% weekly water changes. Becomes a real chore (not to mention expense) once you start getting in the >29g range...

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Yeah, the same principles work, but you do have to scale all of your maintenance proprtionately. Most of the toys that people use to maintain larger tanks are for the purpose of reducing water changes.

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Yeah, i dunno about making, aerating, ang lugging around 20 + gallons of saltwater.... ( i want a 180G + ) so I agree, THe "toys" are more for convenience. I got the guy at the LFS trying to sell me a Prizm HOB skimmer for 120$ cuz he says the water in my 10G will start to stink. uuuuhhhh... ok, so will my toilet if I dont flush it, do I need a skimmer for that :D

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We'll call it the Bird- E- Bright Toilet Bowl Skimmer. Never Flush Again with this innovative product. Just listen to this testimonial from Dingo...


"Oh, I used to spend hours in there, like, y'know? But now all I have to do is empty this little cup instead of flushing all of the time, like, y'know? It's just so much more convenient."


Sorry. Bored.


/*scuttles back to his cube*/

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