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Coral Vue Hydros

Advice on Sump/Refuge setup


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I am curious if this system would be fine for me. I have a 60 gal. Hex tank. I have been told I should do a sump.


Here is the link to the Sump/Refuge system I was thinking about.




and I was think about using CPR Aquatics C-Siphon 100 Overflow box.


Any advice would be greatly appreciative.


pictures of my tank below.


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Looks ok for your 60g. I would not buy as I think it being advertised as a sump for a 200 gallon tank is ridiculous. I don't buy from people that falsely advertise their products.

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Thanks for the advice I ended up buying a Rapid Pro PS4 with an ATO only ($179.00) from Dr Foster & Smith. and I had a $50 credit with them; couldn't pass up that deal. Besides this will fit a lot better under the cabinet I am going to make...





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Will do.... but it will take a bit. I need to figure out how I am going to make this cabinet/stand... I would love to have a Hexagon type to match the tank....but the mitering for each corner scares me... :)


Any ideas on a place to get good Live Rocks... How long does it take to grow Coraline? THat what I want my rocks to have on them...


Maybe I acan get everthing started in about a a month and then Another month later I could hopefully have some living things...





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