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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New livestock added!!


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Well, I finalll broke down and did it, gave the Tomato Clown and Spotted Hawk back to my LFS. They gave me a $10 credit, so you know it was spent before I even walked in the door. Had to get some more IO - 25galo size for $13.99, then decided since I no longer had any fish, I needed one, so I got a scooter blenny ($12.99). As soon as I released him, he wen and buried himself up in the sand!??? It took me a while to find the parts of him sticking out from the sand, but I saw him. Is this normal?

Also, since I have virtually no cleanup crew, I got 4 unidentified snails." Was charged $2.99 each. They are about the size of a dime, and remind me of tigers because of their stripes. Not bumblebees, though, stripes are the other way, and not as prominent. :ermm: They are all on the wall of the aquarium now, cleaning nicely, I'll continue my contributions to my cleanup crew as soon as I get the funds. (seems like I already spent all my paycheck this time, and still have so many ideas to implement. Any clues to what kinjd of snail?




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Scooter Blenny's are AWESOME. They always bury themselves at night to sleep and during the day if they are scared. They are not hard to keep at all as long as they eat what you feed them. Mine eats the frozen brine Shrimp I throw in there, so there aren't any problems with him starving.


But, if they don't eat your food, then I would agree with everyone else that it won't live long. Especially if you don't have a large pod population.


Anyways, see if he eats the food you feed after a week or so and if he does, keep him and enjoy.


They are one of my favorite fish.

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bneyman slow down there buddy

in the race to get a satifing tank your wasteing time and money. buy a book and think about what fish ya want and do research on them what they eat who they get along with and how big do they get before you buy em:)

since we play the nano way we are all limited by what fish we can keep since most get to big or are to agro for tank mates or even corals.

taking back the hawk was a good Idea

the tom clown is a perfect nano fish if you keep him by him self tom clowns do get territorial but usually wont kill shrimps or other inverts

I would believe what you read in $20 book before you take advice from some emp at LFS who works for $7 an hour. I can't belive some of the things I hear at the LFS

I would take back the scootyer but

IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THE SCOOTER to suppliment his natural diet of copepods you can feed him live brine with the filters off 2-3x daily scooters/ dragonets will only eat live food and are lazy they won't chase it down. If its in there face and moves they eat it

so a scooter is a pain in the a$$ and won't eat if they are chased off by teritroial fish. it is also very difficult and requires planing to maintain a large enough copepod population in a 12G

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$39.00 pay check huh?, damn I'm glad I don't wait tables anymore.


yeah, aren't scooters a dragonette? much like mandarins...difficult to keep alive long in a small tank.

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Well, I do have to pay other non-essential items such as food, rent, bills and my daughter's school! :-*


Yea, my LFS told me the scooter would eat anything, including the formula 1. :rant: He did eat some brine I dropped into the tank today. I turned the filter and PH off while he was feeding.


I realized after I bought him how much he looks like the mandarin goby. I'll probably get a brine shrimp hatchery so I can feed him live brine, I'm assuming he'll go for them more readily!:happy:

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if he's eating you are already off to a good start and your future addition of a refugium will keep him healthy towards the long term so long as you don't add anthing that will compete with him for the copepods and little bugs that grow in the tank :) you could get luck with him eating the frozen brine in time but you got to tell me if the scooter eats formula1 I have never heard of such a thing

hey rent is essential were are ya gonna keep the tank!

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Originally posted by mattie

you could get luck with him eating the frozen brine in time but you got to tell me if the scooter eats formula1 I have never heard of such a thing

hey rent is essential were are ya gonna keep the tank!


You wouldn't believe some of the things the idiot things the people say at my LFS store!X) Even the managers! I wonder how they stay in business with their lack of knowledge and high prices, but then they are alsothey only place here with marine supplies. :*( I need to start ordering, or move.

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dude my scooter finished off my pod pop in like two days (ten gallon) luckly the little guy eats frozen brine shrimp, and i even caught him eating flake food with the royal gramma. (yes i know wierd itsn't it?) i had planned on taking him back after he thinned out my explosive pod population but since he's so freaking cool and eats what i fed him so he's gonna stay.


oh now to what i was gonna say. brine shrimp have like no neutritional value so i feed mysis shrimp if possible. i'm feed brine becuase i have to drive to dallas (an hour away) to mysis. the local lfs only caries brine. i'm going to pick up some mysis next weekend.

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