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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Skimmer or no skimmer Pros and Cons


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A lot would depend on your nanos size and stocking levels. You can easily run a nano without a skimmer and just take care of nutrient export with water changes. That said, I have a lightly fed, lightly stocked (only 2 fish) 29 gallon and my skimmer pulls out a cup of "tea" every week despite 5 gallon weekly water changes.. I couldn't imagine leaving that in.

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I have a 20H with a 20g sump/fuge (recently reduced to 10g sump) that's been running for over 3 years without a skimmer from the start. So it can definitely be done, and it doesn't necessarily mean you have go overboard with water changes either (10% a week is fine; I do wc's much less frequently). It really depends on your stocking level, feeding rate, how pristine you want the tank, etc. - every tank is different and you just need to watch it and test params to see if it's working for you. I sort of see it as if you prefer the look of a really sterile tank with white sand and no trace of macro or microalgae, then you want a skimmer, and if you like a tank with some macro/microalgae and higher diversity of microfauna and other filter-feeders, then don't use a skimmer.

HTH, Ryan

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Ryan...I do like the macro/micro growing in the tank and currently only have a couple fire fish in the tank with live rock and 1 mushroom covered rock. I am switching to the fuge instead of rubble next week so I believe this will work out well also.

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Cool - yeah, then I would try it for while without a skimmer and see how it goes. What size is the display? HOB fuge or a sump fuge? Both rubble and macro are good in the fuge - I have about an inch of sand in my sump with lots of LR rubble and a bunch of chaeto and other macros.


For some reason, I have never had good luck with shrooms in my tank - they maintain themselves and reproduce slowly, but they don't multiply or expand in size anywhere near what I have seen in other setups. Other softies like kenya tree, GSP, anthelia, as well as BTA's do awesome in my tank. I think because I have a good bit of macro in the tank, unless I religiously trim it back, the smaller softies like shrooms and zoas can't compete.

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24 JBJ. I am using the second chamber of the filter as the fuge (have read that it works) and was just going to put cheato in there. I could leave some rubble in there. I am just trying to figure out the lighting part. I had ordered a submersible light but I worry about that in salt water. They say it does work. I was also looking at peeling the black material off the back outside wall of chamber 2 and just mounting a 9 inch pc there with velcro or something and doing it that way. It seems safer :) . I am somewhat new to reef keeping, I have raised and breed fresh water fish for 20 years and have a koi pond outside.

The shrooms are doing well at the moment. I have one rock that has macro algae like I have never seen. It is red and grows like a bushes off the rock. It is real cool. It had a piece attached when I bought it but now it has really done well. There almost seems to be several differant types due to the shapes of the growths. Some have thick main stem with broad leaves and some resembles hair algae but is red and has tiny little balls on the end. lol strange but cool looking.

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Cool - I just saw your other threads. I'm not that familiar with the AOI's, but I've seen lots of threads here about modding fuge lights into the AOI hoods, so you should be able to find some good advice and pics by searching here.


I love all the cool macros you can get on LR. Sounds like you have multiple species there - maybe Gracillaria and Botryocladia. There a great macroalgae forum on reefcentral with pics of tons of awesome macro tanks.

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con to using a skimmer: You will spend hours on here trying to decide which one to get, then when you do buy one you will second guess if you made the right choice...

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