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Peppermint Shrimp Molting


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My peppermint shrimp shed its skin last night. This morning it is hiding int its usual spot in the rocks and is very lively. The translucent white skin is laying on the sand. I should leave it alone and let it disintegrate naturally? Remove it? Does the shrimp need anything special to grow its new skin? I should add iodine?

I am dosing with NutraSea's (CustomSeaLife) Reef Energizer and Live Rock and Sponge Good twice per week and also feeding Kent's Zooplex as I have a ton of filter feeding animals all over my live rock (sponges, black urchins, slugs, etc).

Thanks for whatever advice you can give me.

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I do not dose with anything. In such a small space, it is easy to knock the whole system out of wack. Molting is good, not molting is another story. Your regular water changes should be enough to supplement what is needed. As far as removing it, the choice is yours. I have found that it doesn't make a difference either way, in my tank. Run a search on peps and you will find a lot of additional information.



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