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Live Sand?


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In my new 10 gallon set up i went with a 15lb bag of aragonite. Should I add live sand to this?

Also, what are good paramaters for the tank as far as temp/SG/Amonia etc.?


Ok, last question. Is it harmfull to add more live rock after the tank cycles?

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Originally posted by adelro28

In my new 10 gallon set up i went with a 15lb bag of aragonite.  Should I add live sand to this?

You can do this to seed your SB, or you can just as easily seed it with LR.



Also, what are good paramaters for the tank as far as temp/SG/Amonia etc.?
Temp: 79 - 82* is what I always recommend.

SG: 1.024 - 1.026

Ammonia: 0


Ok, last question.  Is it harmfull to add more live rock after the tank cycles?
It can be. If the LR isn't fully cured it could cause a mini-cycle. Be very careful when doing this.
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I have only been cycling with a few ponds of LR for 4 days and the Amonia is at 0, and the SG is at 1.019.

The LR was cured at the LFS. Should I expect the Amonia to go up in the next few days, and then taper off?


I'm not in any kind of rush, I plan on letting it sit with just LR for 4-6 weeks, jsut want to be sure the Amonia levels are doing what they are supposed to.

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If you are getting 0 ammonia readings, you either have finished that part of the cycle, or have yet to begin.


More important than ammonia, get readings on your nitrites and nitrates.


50cent Nitrate cycle explanation:


Ammonia appears until enough bacteria colonize to convert said ammonia into nitrites.

Nitrites appear and remain until enough bacteria colonize to convert nitrites into nitrates.

When you reach a balanced state, basically the different bacteria process the wastes as quickly as they are passed on to it: kinda like a production line.


in the end, nitrates are removed from the system in one of a few ways:


1 water changes

2 skimming

3 export through clipping of macro algae, which absorb the nitrates for food.


HTH: get some levels on the trites and trates and we'll be bale to monitor it better for you.


Kudos on patience.

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