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Coral Vue Hydros

fuge question...


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I have a little eclipse six tank that I'm starting up and was wondering if I can use the spot where the carbon goes as a little fuge. Or is it not deep enough? Tanks been up for 3 months...I was going to post a pic but my camera seems to be dead...


Thanks!! :P


lighting: 3x13w pc bulbs

2 oc clowns

1 cleaner shrimp

5 blue/zebra legged crabs

4 trochus/astrea snails (not sure which they are)

mini-jet 404 pwr head

8lbs live sand

about 13lb of LR


and yes the bio-wheel is out... ;)

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I assume you just want some sand in there, because it is covered and you won't be able to get light to any macro. If I am correct, I don't know if there would be enough sand to really make a difference. Maybe a detrius trap or something like that...

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Yah I was going to throw some sand in there and maybe a little macro algae. Lighting, I would ave bought a light for it...and it's not covered. I keep the flap off to cool the tank down. I cut a piece of acrilic and put it over the water use that as a shield for the lights. But yah, the more I look at it, I don't think it's deep enough.


Maybe I'll try the ac 300 deal like some people are doing... ;)

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Ditch the sand idea...it doesnt serve a purpose in such a small amount, but by all means, do the macro in there. If you can mount even just a little 7watt PC bulb over it, just put macro in it. It should work just fine. Use a macro that doesnt need a base to attach to though. Grassilaria and that green wire macro should work fine, as they are often best used when left in suspension.

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Good deal, I'll go check the LFS today and see if they have any...thanks!!!!


oh if not, where's a good place to buy online??

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ok, just got back form the store (love having weekdays off...no traffic!!). :P Anyway, they didn't have the algae you mentioned...they had prolifera (sp). I bought some for the heck of it and a little piece of LR for it to attach to. Was that ok? Or did I make a newb mistake? Oh and also, I bought a 13w hang on light instead of a 7w...again...dumb move? Or ok?

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the 13watt is fine...I am surprised it fits...thats all, but hey, more power too ya. 13watters can run fuges much larger, thats all. (like putting a 400watt MH on a 10gallon...well, ok, not that extreme) I am not familiar with the macro you mentioned, but you should check around here...I know I just found somebody selling the wire stuff in another forum. Grassilaria isnt going to be at every LFS, but it shouldnt be hard to find. I prefer it to caleurpa because it doesnt go sexual as easy as say...sea grape.

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well....hehe... it kinda doesn't fit...pretty ghetto actually...hahaha Here's a not so good pic of it...


And you're suppose to leave the light on 24/7 right? Only reason why I ask is it's adding light to my tank once the other lights go out. I moved it enough to where it almost looks like I have a moon light (pretty cool actually), but I wasn't sure if it would affect my clowns. Normaly one of them sleeps at the bottom of the tank (clowns are retarded I swear). :P But instead they're swiming around.

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Yeah, you might want to keep the light masked off more so the critters get some sleep. BTW, people say to keep the fuge light on 24/7 for two reasons. I mention this because they may not apply to you. One is because in a larger fuge, the lights going out causes the macro to reverse it's process (sleeping if you will) and giving out CO2. If the fuge is big enough this can result in a pH plunge...uh oh. The other reason is depending on the type of macro...constant lighting prevents it from going "sexual". This reproductive process involves the whole plant shedding it's green cells and leaving behind a dead husk. The shedding causes the water to turn into pea soup until the cells find new homes to regrow. One way to prevent this is by having the lights on 24/7, preventing the process that seems to trigger the sexual reproduction, also providing double the nitrate reduction from double the light cycle. The other way to prevent this is by obtaining a macro that isnt known for going sexual. Grassilaria is an example of this. Some species of caleurpa are also less prone to going sexual...they just reproduce via natural growth. In the case of your fuge...even if it did go sexual, I dooubt it would do much harm since the fuge is so small...so you could try turning it off at night...at least for a few hours.

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  • 4 months later...

We got our light (just like that one in neon green :P ) at the LFS. They clled them beta lights. It is really great! The adjustable arm lets you put the light just about anywhere!! We have it clipped to our AC500 fuge.

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I filled mine with Crushed Coral and a little bit of live rock. I did see some pods in there, but the water current is kind of high. I mainly used it as a deritus trap (thus the CC) and threw in some rock rubble from when I broke my rock.



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