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Help me pleez!


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Hello everybody,


I've messed around with goldfish and have a siamese fish in a vase with bamboo shoots. Almost like a some of the tanks here! I want to have one of those cool orange and white nemo fishes. Some coral stuff would be cool too! Wal-mart has a ten gallon set up for about thritydollars. Would that work or should I pop for the twentynine gallon one? Any help you could give me would be super!

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might i respectfully suggest without a hint of sarcasm or meanness that you go ahead and spend a small amout of time researching the proper care of the nemo fish, and saltwater tanks in general.

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They are clown fish.

If you want to start a nano, research yo butt off! People here probably won't like the "finding nemo" reference. Search this site a bit and read up. :) Try this: liveaquaria.com and look at the info parts of it.

BTW, saltwater is nothing like freshwater, its much harder. And its expensive :bling: VERY Expensive

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ohhhhhhhh boy.....well welcome aboard


I suggest you start here: http://www.nano-reef.com/info/


read all the articles and definitely pick-up a book or two, the Natural Reef Aquariums by Tullock would be a decent start. Then search around on things that might not be so clear to you. You'll see the search button above....it helps A LOT.


Theres a lot of info to absorb before starting up a SW tank. It doesnt matter if its a reef tank, or bowl with a single fish, both have basics that have to be researched and understood.


Well good luck

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Dare I?


I dare.




Dood, please go to the information link at the top of the page and read all you can about nano's. When you are done read tons more on other sites until your eyes pop out, then use them to cylce your tank.


And now I will give you some helpful information:


First and foremost - Cost. your 29 will cost 2 times more to set up, roughly $250-300 without lights, depending. However it will be easier to maintain and you can have more than just two fish in it.


A 10 gallon will run you about $250 with lights (Power Compact), $150 without. but you are only looking at about 2 fish max. More difficult to maintain, but not horrible.


Keep in mind that you will not be able to have any fish in your tank until about 4-6 weeks after it has been set up.

Two things that are necessary in this hobby: Money and patience.


One thing that is necessary on this board - Thick skin.


Take a look around at some coral that interests you, determine their needs and build your tank around them.


Don't mind me, I am a putz. And please feel free to ask more questions as you gather more information.

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Frank Abagnale Jr? My friggin hero.


for those of you that don't catch the reference. Frank Abagnale Jr. was the boy wonder that was portrayed in Catch Me If You Can.


I read the book my freshman year of college and it changed my life. Genius.


Didn't even bother to read the post after seeing the name. I figured the post was a scam, much like most of Mr. Abagnale's earlier work.


Dead serious about him being a genius and a major factor in my early college years.

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Wow didn't mean to stir things up, clue me in alright? I came across this site while searchiung up stuff on google. My username is an alias and what better alias than Abagnale from Catch Me If You Can? I could have used Roy from Matchstick Men too so what? Super flick btw. I get excited and like to do things right away so maybe I got ahead of myself. Don't be so thinned skinned we're just talking some fish here. Anyway I will take the advice and read up on the articles. Thanks.

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please do your self a HUGE FAVOR go down to the fish store and buy a book on marine aquariums after you have read it. you will have a better understanding on the commitment, time and costs required for the livelyhood of SW fish a.k.a. nemo and his friends

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he he funny acoustic...anyways.READ YOUR ASS OFF,ive done freshwater for many years.but i read about 10 books before i decided to start a saltwater tank.read read read!!! a good begginner book i would suggest is "the new marine aquarium"by micheal palletta.its really informative,esspecially if your a begginnner.

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