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Hair algae on one LR only


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Quick question. I have one LR with alot of hair algae on it, got a lettuce nudi, but he must not like it. The rock is also covered with coraline algae and has a couple feather dusters and small ployps on it. What can I do to remove this stuff? Should I try to brush it off with a toothbrush, give it a trim, let it run its natural course, or what? I am hesitant about the toothbrush method because I don't want to remove the good stuff, and I don't want to get an lawnmower blenny. Any suggestions????

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Remove the rock from the tank and in a separate bucket of tank water gently scrub off as much of the hair algae as you can. Just be gentle around the dusters and so forth, they should be fine.

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you could pluck them off in clumps. just pulling on them and tossing what you cull is very effective. you export waste and trim the algae colonies down to a manageable height (for snails & hermits).


is the rock different than the others? maybe it's position/location is different (e.g. more flow, more light, isolated)?

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Originally posted by tinyreef

is the rock different than the others?  maybe it's position/location is different (e.g. more flow, more light, isolated)?


Yea, actually the rock is different from the other ones I have. The others have very little, if any coraline on them, the one in I'm having a problem with is almost completely covered in coraline (except for the underside.) It is closer to the light, sitting on top of another LR, but I have others in the tank that are actually higher up with no hair on them. The rock my LFS sells sucks, especially for the $9.99/lb. you pay for it.:angry: Before they take it out of their tanks, they make sure to shake them off real good underwater, so as to not have any hitchikers on board, and alot of them are completely covered in cyano!:x If it's not cyano, it aiptasia. X) The ones I managed to pick out were the best ones, (well if you consider good LR having no hitchikers and sparse, if any coraline.)

Thanks for the replies!

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Check you phosphates. Hair algae is from the devil. Even when you scrub it the damn stuff grows right back.

Whatever you do don't scrub it inside your tank.

I am haveing a macro algae problem and nothing seems to take care of the stuff.

I just heard that a tuxedo urchin takes care of algae pretty good. Only if I didn't have an anemone.

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I'm using some phos-guard mixed with some black diamond carbon in my AC150, don't have a phosphate kit yet, my LFS doesn't have any. (They don't have alot of stuff!) If you scrub it off in the tank, does it make it sperad more?

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are you using ro/di water? tap water is a no no, how often and how much water do you change? what additives are you using? how long has the tank been set up? also if you are using only hermits they will not control the hair algae, as for me I pull the few small clumps I had and now my yellow tang keeps all in control, as for the post macro algae problem, it is not a problem we cherish ours it helps with nitrates and helps feed our yellow tang in fact many people will by macroalgae to get it started in there tanks

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My tank has been set up about four months now, doing roughly 15% water changes weekly using RO/DI water. I was using tap water up until about a month ago, then switched after finding out about the detrimental effects about it. I got 4 unidentified snails yesterday, LFS didn't know what kind they were, am trying to ID them. I do not use any additives as of yet. Isn't a yellow tang too bug for a nano? Should I get some calurpa to put in my tank or in my AC150????

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tangs get big so in my opion no tang

calurpa yes if you like it in th ac you'll need a light for it

you can put it icalurp in the tank and if grows to fast cut it back.

post pic of snails

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Yea, thats what I thoght about the tangs. I was going to use the light I removed from the hood of the eclipse for the light above the AC if I put calurpa in it. Do you think it would be worth it to convert my HOB to a mini-fuge? I have no camera, so I can only give you a description. They are striped unlike bumblebee snails in that the stripes are much smaller and run in the opposite direction. Any ideas?

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i don't know about the snails but

I would seriously consider turning the ac150 into a fuge if you have the extra light and the microjet for circulation sounds good but it would be pretty small but big enough to grow the calurp check and see if you can find picks of others I have seen the ac500 and 300 turned into a nice fuge here at NR

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