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Aquatic Life Nano Skimmer


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A friend and i were just talking about this skimmer.If it lives up to what its says with the needle wheel it should be pretty good. I might buy to put on my 90 gallon marine tank to see how well it will do with my bubblemaster 160 working at the same time. Has anyone else thought about putting it though a trial run? the price is great if it will do what it says it will

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The only thing that stands out at me is how short the reaction chamber is. I like that they integrate the pump into the base, but it kills the hight of the reaction chamber. For less than $60, it might be worth a try.

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+1 agree but i wonder how easy it would be to mod the pump if it turns out that there needle wheel doesnt stand up? Also with the short reaction chamber it might hinder it output. the price and what it says it can do i deffently worth a try

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Not to hijack but this is the EuroReef nano skimmer that will hopefully come out soon so they say. but here are the stats on it. it looks prossiming it has a alloy micro mesh wheel, twin pumps but it going rate is around $170 reasonable for a good nano skimmer release late march ( but they have been pushing it back for over a year now)



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Not to hijack but this is the EuroReef nano skimmer that will hopefully come out soon so they say. but here are the stats on it. it looks prossiming it has a alloy micro mesh wheel, twin pumps but it going rate is around $170 reasonable for a good nano skimmer release late march ( but they have been pushing it back for over a year now)




There has been quite a bit of discussion on that here too, but it seems that there will be many versions for different tanks, not a one size fits all. $170 seems a little stiff for a nano skimmer. I'm not paying that for the skimmer for my 40B.

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yeah $170 is stiff but if you have thousands of dollars in corals and fish in a tank whats another small drop in the bucket at least it not the price of a deltec. Well see if this thing even comes out in march i am not betting on it

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Never had a protein skimmer, but I think I want one now. I have a NC 12dx and have just started a 29g frag tank. If anybody gets this AquaticLife skimmer, let us know how it turns out because I'll probably buy 2 if it's any good.

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It's so new that it's not even on their own web page. Marine Depot seems to be the only place that has them in stock though.

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