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Innovative Marine Aquariums

What is a Sump?


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What is a sump? what is it used for? How do you make one? is it important to have one? how will i fit the tubing into a 28 gallon nanocube hqi?


ps: the same questions, but for a fuge

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i could be wrong, but i see that the 28hqi filtration is open a bit behind the canopy...


if u use a refugium which has low flow u could pipe the intake and return into the same intake and return sections of the nano's original filtration compartments.


or you could go simple, talk to stevieT. he makes great racks for nano cubes. you could even put some chaeto in one of his racks. i dont think he has on made yet for your specific tank, but im sure he cold work something out for ya. his company is in the sponsor section....INTANK.



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