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aiptasia okay with fowlr


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not harmful, some might say beneficial. I've seen fuges loaded with them. However, they are ugly as hell and I would blast them nonetheless.


or get a copperband to munch em

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they have a strong sting and can multiply rapidly, harmeful just depends on what fish you want, most fish will stay away from it

I personally would remove it or get a peppermint shrimp to eat it

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The way that I have been getting rid of them is buy taking a plasic not sharp needle and spray them whith boiling hot watter which kills them instantly...Is this ok to do never thought i would need to ask?

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aiptasia scrubber.


the anemones will eat food particles and help consume them before they decay and muss up the quality of your water column.


good. but yah... kinda ugly :x

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