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using plastic kichen gloves


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The plastic smells funny, would it be safe to the aquarium using these plastic gloves? I guess I should rinse the gloves with water?


anyways...can plastic gloves be toxic to the aquarium?

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i think it depends upon the type of plastic. heavy plasticizer, powder/talc added (separatability, is that a word?).


you can use cheapie plastic storage bags too. i've used the grocery bags for fresh produce. it's a little thin though and really gross when you're feeling around slimy gooey stuff, especially when the slimy gooey stuff moves! :x

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some of the rubbery-ish kitchen gloves (like those used for dish washing) are coated with anti-bacterial agents. some. be careful. i'd imagine those food gloves are okay.

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I don't know why people stress about wearing gloves

have had my nano since december and I have always used my bare hands

I have read something about how the oil on our hands can cause alge growth but honestly I have had no adverse effects my tank is doing really well


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I'm with IPhantom. As far as I am concerned a good washing first is all that matters to me. Besides, when I go to my LFS... the guy doesn't use gloves to take stuff out of the tanks.


Just my $.02

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Gloves are pretty pointless unless you have a super small tank anyways . . as soon as you put your hand in past your wrist your whole arm is in there. Unless you get some gigantic reef safe 'arm condom' made then you might as well just use your bare hands.



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Originally posted by viejito55

I was most concerned about the toxic that polyps release some can be really toxic.


Really?? What kind of polyps? I've heard of poisonous jellyfish and stinging sponges etc . . but I didnt know there were toxic chorals.

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Don't worry about the polyps if your just moving stuff or placing in the tank. Just don't squeeze or lick them and you should be ok with bare hands.

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I was most concerned about the toxic that polyps release some can be really toxic.
that's a valid point imo. especially if you have cuts on your hands (sw hurts anyways), forget to wash your hands afterwards :x , rub your eyes by accident, etc.


i'm more concerned about bristleworms or other 'slightly' toxic critters. i'm also squeamish about bugs in general. just because it's underwater don't make it ok, i.e. would you reach underneath a rock in your garden/lawn w/o gloves or careful examination with the distinct possibility of centipedes, worms, roaches, spiders, etc.? call me a wuss but i feel safer. :P

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I wear gloves to stop the crap on my skin (oil etc) getting on any corals.


I've noticed when fragging SPS they recover better if I wear gloves..



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