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First Anemone & Clownfish


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I just got my first Anemone, I already had 2 clown fish previously to placing it in the tank this afternoon.. If the Anemone & Clownfish decide to bond.. How long does this procedure take? I know the Clownfish was going nuts around the bag when I was floating it, but since I placed it in the tank, they have gone there seprate ways? Should my Clownfish notice that it's there, and atempt to create a symbotic realationship with the Anemone right away.. or is this something that takes time? How long did it take your in your tanks before they bonded?

(btw will the 2 clowns fight over the one Anemone it is pretty small)




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what kinda anemone and which clown fish. they usually go in the anemone double quick but it might take weeks or months or years or never depending on the clown. I know false percs, especially tank raised, are reluctant to host. My tomato took the rose within 1 sec of it being in the tank. hth. :)

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I have two (either) false, or True Percula clownfish..I'm thinking false do to the picturs i've seen but i'm not really sure how to tell, and a Brown/purpley bubble tip anemone (it's tips are white) I can post pictures later tonight.

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here is the anemone comp chart. if they are compatible it can take a while for them to host if the fishs have never hosted or have hosted a different type of anemone and some times they just won't becouse of the nature of what happens to the clown to become imune to the stings. don't try to rush them to pair up try to ensure the health of the anemone and be sure it will eat if its healthy and compatible it should just happen one day

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My tomato clown took to a plate coral, then I put an anemone in the tank. The clown could care less, so I took the plate out and she decided to check it out. Now that the plate is back in the tank, she uses both. But she likes the anemone more, it doesn't leave burn marks on her.

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ok, I found out what my Clownfish are. They are Ocellaris. Wild caught. and my anemone is a Entacmaea quadricolor. Which comes out to yellow on the chart.. SO is does that mean, that they won't have anything to do with each or.. or it is less Likely. I'd like to make sure my Anemoe has a clown to keep it fed so if need be..I'll go buy a diffrent clown... If i have to do that? Will the diffrent breeds of clowns get along, or is that asking for trouble?

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I have seen false percs host in your anenome(bubble tip anenome)


I would not advise in adding differrent clown fishes to your tank unless you want a rumble in sea.


You can always hand feed your anenome :)

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don't rely on the fish to feed the anemone. Yellow doen't mean NO compatibility it just mean less likely to host. hand feed or invest in some long tweezers feed frozen mysis or if he's big try a small feeder goldfish ( i know its morbid but cut it of the head and stick the rest on him) he will grab it and pull it in his mouth and do this every 5-15 days depending on size since you can tell they eat like pigs if you don't have already you may want to invest in a protien skimmer if not every few days after feeding there may be a spike in amonia and nitrites. it also depends on water valume

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The anemone right now is small, maybe 1-1/2" disc, but so far i've seen it spread out to about double that size depending on where it's locating itself on the LR.


My tank is a 30g, and although I currently don't have a protien skimmer, I should have one within the week. I'll pick up some Mysis and see how that goes.. Thanks! (hopefully it will host one of my clowns.. one of the main reasons i bought both the clownfish and the anemone was to have that situation in the tank.. guess it's up to nature now!) :)

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.....and of course i'd like to keep it fed so it doesn't eat the other fish (or die). Do any of the following stand out as a possible problem or easy target for the anemone?


2 Kaudern's Cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)

1 Spotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus)

2 Blue Green Reef Chromis (dahmsels???)

and a box fish

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Tank specs



Jebo Power Compact

20p ls

35p+ LR

Mushrooms cluster

Starburst Polyp Coral (Pachyclavularia sp.)

Colony Polyp, Encrusting - Gold (Palythoa sp.)

Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral (Sarcophyton sp.)

2 Kaudern's Cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)

1 Spotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus)

2 Blue Green Reef Chromis (dahmsels)

2 Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)

a box fish (so far it's been good)

1 Feather Duster (Sabellastarte sp.)

1 Longspine Urchin, Black (Diadema savignyi) small

1 Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo (Mespilia globulus) small

1 Purple Tube worm (false anenome)

10-12 Hermit Crabs

15 assorted snails

and a patch of maidens hair.

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YEA!!!!! My 2 Clownfish and my Anemone have bonded!!! After reading everybody responses (thank again everybody) I decided to go to the LFS and by some Mysis to feed to my anemone. Of course once in the store, they tied my arm behind my back and made me buy a couple polyp frags and a cleaner shrimp. ;)

I got home today, and began to aclimate in my new additions to the tank, everything looked the same as it had the other day.. So i'm sitting there dripping water... when out of no where the bigger of the two clownfish DIVE bombs into the anemone, and starts Freaking out!!!! Twitching like crazy, doing little flips and turns, and of course soon to follow is the smaller of the two clownfish!! I couldn't belieive my tank went from having an anenome with nothing to host destined to living the rest of it's life eating Mysis and roaming the tank alone! To have an Anemone clownfish Threesome right before my eyes! PARTY!!!! (f#ck i'm a dork) and being the internet savy g33k that i am, I ran upstairs and got my DV cam, and shoud have some Anemone 3some vid's posted on my server sometime tonight!!!


Thanks again to everybody that responded to the thread!



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