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Innovative Marine Aquariums

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Hey ALL!


I'm new around here and I'm gonna show you my 20g nano mix reef!


let me know what you guys think!




::Tank Specs::

Tank :: Ocean Free curved tank> 2feet x 1.5ftx1.5ft(80litres)

Lights:: Dymax Clamp-on MH 150watts 14000k

Filtration :: Eheim Ecco 2236

Filter Media :: Eheim Substrat Pro, SeaChem Sea Gel, Filter pads(white and blue)

Protein Skimmer :: Dymax LS-20 sawtooth skimmer

Cooling :: Resun 650L

PowerHeads:: Tunze nanoStream



The Dymax Clamp-on



The Dymax Ls-20 protein skimmer > currently wet skimming







Snuggled nicely into a messy corner of my living room


:: Dosing ::

KENT Coral Accel

KENT Coral Plus

KENT Strontium/Mag.


KENT ZooPlex

KENT PhytoPlex

KENT MicroVert


SeaChem Liquid Calcium



:: FAUNA :::

:: CORALS ::

Green octopus coral

green Hammer coral

several zoas and buttons

several mushrooms

Green leather

Purple leather

Red open brain

Red Blastomussa welsii

Green Star Polyps

Red montipora

Green Bubble coral

Yellow Goniopora

Pineapple coral

2 types of Metallic trumpet/candy cane


:: FISH ::

2 True perc. clown.

1 Six Line wrasse


:: Invertz ::

1x C.Clam

1x Cleaner skunk shrimp

Several hermits and snails

1x Pincushion Urchin










Overall the tank has been running for 1 year!


I find this set-up has been doing good on the account that the zoas and mushrooms are splitting like mad.. Also I managed to frag the large euphylia (octopus >green< )






of penang, Malaysia

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Woah. that was fast! as expected from a nano reef forum!!


Well, that tank is directed to my otherside.. The Green Thumb. yes.. planted tanks. I have several!

The 20g reef is my 1st and ONLY proper running reef tank.. Not thinking of having more..


My previous one was a 10g but it failed miserably due to the lack of knowledge, experience, and proper guidance.






Very nice work, my eyes have enjoyed


Why thank you! (Make way for HUGE ego boost!)



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dosing enough stuff there?


Don't quite get you here... You mean I am dosing too much chems or I'm dosing not enough or m odsing regiment?



:haha::wub::bowdown:omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg:bowdown: and :welcome:



omgomgomg omgomgomg



Thanks a lot!


You got some nice color variety in there


Also, thanks a lot!

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i think hes just saying your doseing a tun lol but its cool as long as you are testing what you are doseing







o and love that red shroom

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Gnar.. haven't heard that for some time already!




I don't dose these daily so no harm is done.. It's affixed at a pattern so my tank is happy(I'm fortunate to find the sweet spot)

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:: Dosing ::

KENT Coral Accel twice weekly initially, now is once a week or so, but thinking of reverting back to twice

KENT Coral Plus same as above

KENT Strontium/Mag. same as above

KENT Iron Everyday . only 2 drops

KENT ZooPlex Every other day about 10 drops

KENT PhytoPlex Every other day same^

KENT MicroVert Every 3 days ^

KENT Tech.I This one it depends.

SeaChem Liquid Calcium -a capful weekly.



And if it helps.


I used all Tetra and Nutrafin kits. Nothing else better could eb accessed at this part of the world

Ammonia= 0

Nitrite= 0

Nitrate= <0.2

Salinity= 1.024

pH= 8.2

Calcium = 410

Didn't have the alk and gh/kh test kits just yet.



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what part of the world is this reef in?


I'm located at MALAYSIA of South East Asia.. to be exact, the Isle of Penang.


It's good here for livestock , some products, but not all product range are available. And mind you I'm only 19, law here says no credit card anytime just yet.



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::::::::History Of tank:::::::::

::: Tank built around July 07 :::::




LATE 2007 ~~ EARLY 2008 ^ (look up.)





About between March~July 08 livestocks are filling in. Picture@ July 08



Rescaped it in August 08



Slighty arranged rocks and corals to make space for SPSes .

Changed at late dec08 - early jan 09--- PRESENT




yes my early ways was bumpy ,


LFS taught me next no nuts. Noticed the tang? After reading about it I gave it to a friend who owns a 120g



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ok i saw a tang..... but im gona let it slide sence its gone



and i still forget sumin lol but once you do it enough you can prob do it in yor sleep...

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ok i saw a tang..... but im gona let it slide sence its gone



and i still forget sumin lol but once you do it enough you can prob do it in yor sleep...


LOL I did bring up that mistake on my own in my previous post!!! I gave it away after 3 weeks in my tank


(2 weeks spent trying to trap it- thank you julian for the seaweed. :D :D )


gave it to my friend who owns a 120g.


Was caught by the Tang Police and well,live and learn :o


Thank you Gerber77.



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Man I hate to say it but this thread is kinda anticlimactic. Usually it takes about 20+ pages just to get to the water!


i get that a lot from the other forums :lol: :lol:


It's a bad habit of mine really..


But still, this isn't done over 1 day :D



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