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I have a new (used) BC29 that I was getting ready to setup my first SW tank in. I was taking pictures of my 55Gal freshwater setup for craigslist and started wondering what would be necessary to do SW with this.


I have 2x (plus 2 spare) 40W AquaGlo lights in it. I don't know if that is sufficient for coral. It doesn't have any of the blue night-time lighting (actnic?), so that could be a problem. It has 2 150W heaters, and a RenaXP2 canister filter. After having flow problems previously and learning more on this site, I think I would want a Hydor pump at one end to increase flow. Does this setup sound like it could easily be SW ready, or am I farther than I am thinking. Also, can Tangs be supported in a 55Gal setup?


I'm inclined towards the BC29, but if the 55Gal is not too far from being SW compatible I might hang onto it.



If anyone has a feel for what I should try and get for thr 55Gal setup on craigslist, feel free to post that too. It has an oak stand with an oak topper that has the lighting built into it. I can post a pic if desired.

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I'm certainly no expert. But from my limited knowledge you have a couple of options. First a standard 55 is pretty tall so lighting to penetrate the depth will be a big issue. So you could sell the BC and use money towards a MH fixture for the big tank and setup a simple sump.

Another route is use the BC for a sump/refuge and then buy the lighting.

Either way I think you'll have to invest some more $$$ to get the 55 stable. My understanding on a bigger tank like that is you really need a sump setup. A HOB will likely not suffice.

More knowledgable folks will chime in but it will definately be cheaper to run the BC. With the 55 you have 2x the live rock, sand, salt, etc

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I've been looking on craigslist and it seems liek a setup like this doesn't go for too much? Anyone care to provide any input on what I should sell for? If it isn't too much I may just keep it.

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