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Coral Vue Hydros

Suitable tankmates for Dwarf Hawkfish


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Hello! I've got a Dwarf Hawkfish living in a 29 gallon reef aquarium and I wanna brighten up the environment with another fish. Here's my wishlist


1. Common Clownfish

2. Blue Damselfish

3. Yellowtail Damselfish

3. 4-Stripe Humbug

4. Green Chromis

5. Magenta Dottyback

6. Royal Dottyback

7. Pygmy(Cherub) Angelfish

8. Coral Beauty


What do u think?

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Right off the bat I'd say stay away from the dottybacks. Just because hawkfish and dottybacks eat relatively the same stuff. They might not get along well. It's just a hunch though.


4 stripe humbug? What is that? One of those black and white damsels? Thats no good for adding color.


green chromis like to be in schools I think - so maybe you could get 2


damsels - pretty agressive. Don't plan to add another fish afterwards


pygmy angels - might pick on corals. Hit or miss.


clownfish - probably a good choice


Have you thought about firefish? Or starcki damsels? They're not supposed to be aggressive like other damsels.

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Damsels might be a good choice then. Firefish are wimpy. Chromis are wimpy too, but they mostly swim higher up in the water column and probably will never come in contact with the hawk.


Oscellaris are sorta nice, I think, but for the most part, clowns can be pretty nasty. I've heard of maroon clowns that will not tolerate any other fish, and even attack the owner's arm.

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I think you'd be ok with any of those......Since the hawk is there first, even adding a dotty should be fine. If it was the other way around the dotty might be very territorial.


I have a large flame hawk in my 45ga....his buddys include: a clarkii, a red-lipped blenny, a banded goby, and a small ocellaris. The flame hawk doesn't take crap from anyone (even the clarkii) and actually defends the small ocellaris when other start picking on him.


Personally, I love chromis!!!! get several if you can (based on size) and they'll swim all over the tank in schools and stay in plain sight, and won't get aggressive like other damsels. Coral Beauty are my fav pygmy angel...very pretty!!!

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well, I have the same exact hawk that's in your avater, is that the "dwarf" you are talking about?? That looks like a falco. Anyway, I can honestly not put anything else in my tank, the hawk has beet the ever loving ish outta anything I put in there, from a jaw fish, to a wrasse. He even ut to shame, a yellow watchman goby, that was in there for a year b4 him (I miss him!) I'm not trying to scare you, by any means, we all have different experiences w/ different fish, just sharing mine.





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Yeap, mine is a C.falco. Cute little fishie he is, but a great meanie! How big is your tank, DvSKiN?


I've got a pair of clowns in there right now, and he seems to ocassionally bother them, especially during feeding time when they go into a feeding frenzy!


I'd really love to put in a dottyback, but I doubt their hardiness. I had a royal dottyback that died a week after I purchased it. (it caught white spots) Besides, considering the advice from Korbin, they might compete for food since they hunt for basically the same kind of prey.

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peppermint check out a 6 line wrasse. they are aggresive enough to not be bothered by the hawk they won't bother the clowns and are benificial to the tank eating parasite's sometimes even bristle worms

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6-line wrasses are really stunning, but I have a big question about their hardiness. Anybody had any success in keeping these wrasses?

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Another question: since hawks and 6 lines hunt for basically the same kinda prey, wouldn't there be WAR if I kept them together?

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no war

the hawk will limit what you can put in a 29g more than the 6 line but in 1 year when the fish would be bigger the may beat up other inhabitants

another choice of an aggressice enough fish that will surive the hawk and not hurt the hawk but are very terrritorial are yellow tail damsels

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Bad news. I just threw in a 6 line wrasse into my aquarium yesterday and the hawk kept on picking on it. The hawk chased it all over and (maybe) pecked it. What should I do?

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get a little plastic basket like the kind that small fruits come in from the store(strawberrys). and pin down the hawk in the tank under the basket with a rock on top. the hawk will be fine and do this for about 3 days don't worry the hawk can go hungry for a few days and let wrasse learn his way around. once the wrasse knows his way around the tank they should get along okay. and maybe at this time make a few moves of LR while under the basket the hawk should become used to his new tankmate.

good luck traping the hawk

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I did some LR rearranging today. The 6 line's out of the hawk's territory and has found a new home. Meanwhile, the hawk's still looking for a new home. So far so good...haven't seen any squabbling yet...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will a tomato clownfish make a good companion for a dwarf hawkfish? I've got a pair of ocellaris clowns in there for 4 months now, and I'm kinda bored of them already. Besides, they are driving me nuts whenever I feed the aquarium as they seem to gobble everything up before any other fish has a chance of tasting the food.

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