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Filtration question


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Yup, took the plunge, I finnaly put water tin the tank after looking at it empty for 2 years.


I'm using an Eclipse 1 hood and I was wondering. Will Using the Bi-wheel and the carbon bag filter affect salinity?


Shoule I use either the wheel or the bag while cycling?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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You don't really want the biowheel period. Your live rock and sand will be more than ample for biofiltration. The carbon bag is probably best left out for cycling IMO. Neither of them affect salinity at all.



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As already stated, SG is affected by evaporation and temperature (not filters).


It’s the majority opinion, on these boards, to get rid of biowheels. Unlike LR, the oxygen rich environment of biowheels makes them unable to convert the nitrates that they produce. And although LR also produces some excess nitrates, weekly partial water changes can typically keep these nitrates in check.


Carbon is a chemical filter and it should not affect the nitrogen cycle (other than making your water clearer and smell better). However, carbon also removes some trace elements from your water so many people only run it a few days out of the month. But since carbon removes fewer trace elements than a protein skimmer, weekly partial water changes replenish the stripped elements. I run carbon in my HOB all of the time.

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From what I've read online, I'd ditch the biowheel (just do a search). I run carbon in my hob 24/7, I do dose with calcium, iodide, and buffer on alternating days though.

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