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Anyone want to trade ballasts?


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I've started a nano, and I already have a 2x55-watt CSL pc fixture; however, the bulbs are way too big for my nano, and a CSL rep. told me I can't run bulbs smaller than 55 watts with my current ballast.


Anyone have something, say, a 2x32 watter, they'd like to trade?  I'd really appreciate it.

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that's BS, u can run smaller bulbs with that current. I think he just wants u to go out and buy more CSL ballasts. That's why they make ballasts that can run 18-55w. Only difference is that it'll shorten the lamp life, yet it will make if brighter :)

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if you are running a 10 gal tank. then 55W bulbs on it would only mean 2" of the bulb sticking out. if you really want smaller bulbs. i might have what you want.

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Quote: from NanoReefer53 on 12:00 am on June 11, 2002[br]that's BS, u can run smaller bulbs with that current. I think he just wants u to go out and buy more CSL ballasts. That's why they make ballasts that can run 18-55w. Only difference is that it'll shorten the lamp life, yet it will make if brighter :)



Really?  Wait, now that I think about it, he did say "your bulbs won't live as long," but I took it like he was saying that it would be a significant difference.  How much life will I shave off the bulbs' if I keep my old ballast?  Something seemed "fishy" about his reply, that's for sure; I'm glad there are boards like this around.

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Quote: from HuBu on 12:35 am on June 11, 2002[br]so true. 55W ballasts can also run 36W bulbs. whats the size of your nano tank?



My new nano is a flat-back hex, which, I think, is around 15 gal. (I never asked exactly how many; It was just an impulse buy from an lfs).  Thanks for the info though.  I can't use my 55 watters because they don't fit in the cool canopy that came with the tank.  Anyway, I guess I'll order some new (shorter) bulbs tomorrow.


PS: I ruined my reflector, so I have to get one of those as well.  What do you think about the Mirro 4 (sp?) ones from AH Supply?  Are they any good?  

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i bought the dual 36W/55W retro kit form them. the miro reflectors are pretty good. question: you are buyin two bulbs right? ahsupply.com's actinic bulbs are not as good as the actinic 03 bulbs from hellolights.com. hellolights' actinics are true actinic compared to ahsupply's "blue bulb." hellolights also sell reflectors.

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Quote: from HuBu on 2:02 am on June 11, 2002[br]i bought the dual 36W/55W retro kit form them. the miro reflectors are pretty good. question: you are buyin two bulbs right? ahsupply.com's actinic bulbs are not as good as the actinic 03 bulbs from hellolights.com. hellolights' actinics are true actinic compared to ahsupply's "blue bulb." hellolights also sell reflectors.


Thanks.  I'll check out Heliolights right now.

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yeah definately go with hellolights actinics....your corals will flourece much better and get sooo much better color.

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the bulbs itself won't actually die, but they will loose their intensity faster. Instead of changing them every year, I would change them maybe every 10-11months instead. It's not that big of a difference.

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Quote: from NanoReefer53 on 2:36 am on June 11, 2002[br]the bulbs itself won't actually die, but they will loose their intensity faster. Instead of changing them every year, I would change them maybe every 10-11months instead. It's not that big of a difference.


Oh, is that all?  A couple of months is nothing.  I'll keep my ballast then.  Thanks guys

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