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Jeffry's Red Sea Max 130 (with videos!)


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Today i bought my first two corals,a Galaxy coral,i know it can sting other corals but i have put him on top of the rock pile where he can't bother anyone else.I also bought a Lobophytum sp. soft coral,i don't know the correct name but i will post a picture tomorrow since the lights are off now.I also bought a Peppermint Shrimp so he can snack on some of the small aiptasia that is growing on the rocks...

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dude your tank is looking great. the GAH almost gone? theres soem rely nice looking coraline alge on those rocks too


edit: and thanks for all the help with my RSM

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Nice Leather. I had one pretty similar looking until it fell over on my GSP one weekend and was killed.


I am gonna buy some coral glue so it won't fall over in the future :)


dude your tank is looking great. the GAH almost gone? theres soem rely nice looking coraline alge on those rocks too


edit: and thanks for all the help with my RSM


Thanks!Yours probably will be looking good in the near future as well!And with GAH you mean the algae?It's almost gone,on the back it's dying and only the roots are still visible,there is still some hardy kind of algae on the rocks but it's slowly going away with the help of the hermits.

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I am gonna buy some coral glue so it won't fall over in the future :)




Thanks!Yours probably will be looking good in the near future as well!And with GAH you mean the algae?It's almost gone,on the back it's dying and only the roots are still visible,there is still some hardy kind of algae on the rocks but it's slowly going away with the help of the hermits.

yea GAH= green hair algea

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Here is a picture how it's today,i used a new toothbrush and went over the background softly to remove the any of the died off algae,i also cleaned out the circulation pumps outlets,the streamer and the mag-float from the ugle algae...Also you can see left of the Galaxy Coral a rock has slided down a bit because of the big hermit crawling around it.These hermits are really a good way to test if your rocks are piled up and next to each other strong enough.They really are strong little critters.




And yesterday i finally received the replacement pump for my screwed up haunted one for my Tunze 9002,it's really allot more quieter now in the tank!Think i can finally sleep without earplugs in. :happy:

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the lights where off and i was curious if Mr Peppermint was showing himself,as soon as my small flashlight hit the tank i scared the crap out of a fat red bristle worm,it was going around the glass like crazy until it disappeared in the inlet of my filter :blink:.I wonder if it can survive in there seeing there is only some black filter sponge,when it wants out it has to go through the pumps,meaning mashed bristle...


Here is a list of other what little critters i have located in the tank till now:



-3 types of crabs,a grayish brown,a light brown and a off-white one.Two are identified as the harmful rock crabs.When they get bigger i will try and catch them...

-Some bristle worms

-2 Spaghetti worms,one i had to remove because it was on a rock where i want to place a coral and they are known to annoy corals especially zoa's.

-Feather Duster worms,they are in the rock where the Galaxy Coral is located on.3 of them are on it,you see them reaching out with their feather dusters and when they got something they pull it in,really funny sight.

-Some very small sponges

-allot of Copepods.Great source for food when my fish will be here in March.

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Bought a Refractometer yesterday to measure the salinity of the water,it's allot better than the crappy hydrometer that you get with the RSM starters kit,the Red Sea hydrometer give a rating of 1.024 while the refractometer gives a whopping 1.028!



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Bought a Refractometer yesterday to measure the salinity of the water,it's allot better than the crappy hydrometer that you get with the RSM starters kit,the Red Sea hydrometer give a rating of 1.024 while the refractometer gives a whopping 1.028!

wow not as bad as i thought you were gona say. i thought you were gona say like 1.040 or sumin lol


and grats on the refract

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Seeing i lost 2 tiny hermits of the four after a day i bought them this could have been the reason.Yesterday i also bought a small piece of green/brown Favites Flexuosa (Brain Coral).Next week or the one after(depends when i get my paycheck) i am gonna get the first fish,2 Clownfish and a Goby,one of the kind we here call a sand muncher. (don't know it's English nickname :happy: )


I was thinking of buying a Anemone for the Clowns but they can be difficult to place,seeing they like to find the best spot on their own i might be going for a Frogspawn. (Euphyllia Paradivisa) or a coral that the Clowns also love to use as their home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So bought the first fish today!Two Clown fish(a couple) and 2 Gramma's and a Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis).More pictures when the fish are accustomed to the tank,the Clown fish are already swimming infront of the glass enjoying the water stream and asking for my attention when they see me but the Gramma's are really shy fish and hide most of the time...Here is a fast picture of them acclimating.


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So bought the first fish today!Two Clown fish(a couple) and 2 Gramma's and a Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis).More pictures when the fish are accustomed to the tank,the Clown fish are already swimming infront of the glass enjoying the water stream and asking for my attention when they see me but the Gramma's are really shy fish and hide most of the time...Here is a fast picture of them acclimating.



I acclimated 1 clown and 2 gobys last nite. Always great to have livestock acclimated properly. I put heat pads (you know the ones you use if you injure ureself) underneath the bucket to keep the water temp warm, since acclimation takes 1-2 hours.


Did you have any issues with water temperature while acclimating?

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I acclimated 1 clown and 2 gobys last nite. Always great to have livestock acclimated properly. I put heat pads (you know the ones you use if you injure ureself) underneath the bucket to keep the water temp warm, since acclimation takes 1-2 hours.


Did you have any issues with water temperature while acclimating?


Not really,the room temperature was pretty good,and of course the water from my tank slowly dripping in also adds a bit of warmth.after a hour and a half i had put them in my tank,went perfectly,even with the shrimp seeing they are really sensitive.

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Movie time!



Got a nice anemone,a Condylactis Gigantea Pinktip!And they had a little coral for just 15 euro's,it looked so sad and alone amongst the other bigger corals so i had to take it home :happy: .

Its a Anthelia sp. Blue (it's placed on the right on top because it's a bit poor looking,gonna let it get back to health and gonna find a better place somewhere low).I also got a Sand Sifting Star Fish,i added some substrate to the bottom so it cant dig it during the day.


The fish i got last week are doing great,they only did not want to eat the first two days probably because of the stress traveling from the LFS to my home.I placed the pinktip on a location i though it would do just fine,and she is still on the same spot for 13 hours right now,so let's hope it stays on there.Al the new fish and corals are in the new little movie.I also managed to find a Hydro Flo director.Just a note,the brain coral probably is gonna change place with the Anthelia.Here are some pictures:





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Today i made a little movie how far my tank is right now:



Tomorrow i am gonna get the first fishies!

nice vid! i diddnt realize you had the silver tank!

So bought the first fish today!Two Clown fish(a couple) and 2 Gramma's and a Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis).More pictures when the fish are accustomed to the tank,the Clown fish are already swimming infront of the glass enjoying the water stream and asking for my attention when they see me but the Gramma's are really shy fish and hide most of the time...Here is a fast picture of them acclimating.

a little fast.... 4 fish and a shrimp... you should wait a week in between fish... except clowns. 2 at a time is good for them . but any way more pics

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The LFS is 40 kilometers away from me where i bought them,i could not afford to go back this week,and my tank is already 3 months old so it can handle the sudden load.

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The LFS is 40 kilometers away from me where i bought them,i could not afford to go back this week,and my tank is already 3 months old so it can handle the sudden load.

nice.. any one do the math how many miles is in 40 kilometers? didn't realize hoe old the tank was/

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Lol,it states how old it is in my signature :rolleyes:

And they are still really small,since i got them since last saturday the nitrite and nitrate levels have not even changed.they are even still afraid for the cleaner shrimp,when he comes forward to clean them they quickly swim off and the Gramma's hide in the rock and you only see their little heads popping out to see if he's gone. :happy:


Oh,and 40 kilometers is = 24 miles

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Lol,it states how old it is in my signature :rolleyes:

And they are still really small,since i got them since last saturday the nitrite and nitrate levels have not even changed.they are even still afraid for the cleaner shrimp,when he comes forward to clean them they quickly swim off and the Gramma's hide in the rock and you only see their little heads popping out to see if he's gone. :happy:

now i feel stupid! :dumba$$:

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Good video.


How is that anem doing is it staying in place?


*looks at tank*


Jup,still staying there.But let's see if it's still there in a month B)


I have found out that i have a nuisance algae,Gelidium,the red brushy algae...It came on the rocks when the cycling was starting together with the normal green algae.Last week i bought a new bag of phosphate killer because the old was in since the beginning so probably full.Let's hope that starves the Gelidium.The strange thing is that the Gelidium is only on the living rock i bought from the same store where i bought the RSM,the live rock i bought somewhere else don't have it...

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I have some red macro algae growing on a few of my rocks. It looks pretty neat and only takes up a small amount of space. It never gets larger or spreads out which I have always though was strange.

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