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Dummy coral glue quepshum


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Okay, I just got my first frag that came on some plug (hold the butt jokes please). I don't really have anywhere good to uuhhh shove the plug in on my rocks, and tried to stick it to a piece of rubble using some of that epoxy clay that you rub together. No go, the epoxy wouldn't stick to the rubble.


Sooooo I have a sps (digi) frag on a plug, what is the best and safesty way to get it on to a rubble piece?


1) type of glue

2) do it in air or water

3) prayer to not drop frag


Thanks alla ya



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HEY! Did you even search? :D


Snap that bugger off, and glue it with zap gel or some other 100% cyanocrylate glue. You can glue it underwater or out. Out is easier and less messy. If you glue underwater, put glue on the bottom of the frag, then affix to rock in tank. The glue forms a film over it, so you will need to give it a twist to break the film, then just hold in one spot for a little bit. I have used this method with zooanthids many times.


If you have a hole in the rock large enough to support the digi, then just plop it in the hole and it will attach on its own. This is the method I used for ours.


I am assuming its a montipora digitata... If that is in fact what it is, what color is it?




ps. If you leave a piece of monti on the plug, it should grow back fine.

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Thanks for the advice! I was worried about snapping the plug off and hurting the coral. I will wait a week or so since it might still be stressed from shipping.


I will take it out of the tank and glue it to some rubble, I want to be able to move it. It is a montipora digitata by the way, kind of a brown/orange that I got from etropicals. It is about 3 inches high.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I bought some super glue gel, but decided to try breaking the montipora off the plug. I twisted it and the whole frag came out of the plug, I guess I broke the glue. I jammed it in a crevice on a top rock and it has been doing great. Thanks for the help.

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