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Cultivated Reef

HOB Skimmer - Question?


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I do some webwork on the side, and one of my clients is going to be sending me $200.00 soon, and I want to buy a new skimmer. Let me give you my specs, what I'm looking for and what I've thought of so far. I would be interested in hearing from ya'll regarding experience with these skimmers.


Thanks in Advance.


16 Gallon Bowfront LPS/Softies tank w/ Percula Clownfish and various inverts.

1 Koralia 1 pump - for circulation

1 Maxi Jet - for circulation

Orbit 20" 80W PC (Day/Actinic/Moonlight)

Current Skimmer - No Name HOB (like Odyssea/Jebo) w/ Maxi Jet Pump

1 HOB Filter - some carbon - for dosing/top off


The current skimmer I have does a decent job, but I am ready to take it to the next level.


I have looked at BakPak's, Octopus, AquaC and ViaAqua models.


The one I have found the best reviews on is:




It looks good - any thoughts? What about the CPR BakPak Reef and the Aqua C Models? Any advice would be great!!!!

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monster of a thread over at RC:




btw..I have the BH-100...works very well, just need to clean the pump every once awhile..specifically the mesh wheel. other than that, just watch the cup level when heavily feeding as it can overflow. performance-wise, takes out the nastiest smelliest junk every 3-4 days. makes you feel guilty that you had that crap in your tank...LOL.

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the octo bh-100f is a POS...

the aqua c remora is a POS...

a mesh modded bakpak might be ok for a 16g...

here's my thread on RF on how to mod one for almost double the power



the octo bh-100f does a great job of skimming, especially if you mod it, and get rid of that lame-ass resun pump. otherwise suffer through the sound of a cat in heat humping a light socket, and continual overheating until it finnaly dies in a puff of smoke.

the design is flawed in that they are using submersible pumps in a basically unsubmerged configuration, so even a decent pump like a sedra is going to fail unless you find a way to cool it. i experimented with both an aqua lifter and a tiny subersible pump delivering water to the exposed section of the motor to keep it cool and they both worked well, but what a pita to go though for decent skimming...


my best suggestion is to recommend the WM H1 hob skimmer.

a little more pricey, i know, but man, it's hands down one of the best little hob's i've seen.

between that, my t5 lighting, and use of elos line of additives i have achieved insane coloration and great growth of my sps corals.

it's on a 30g oceanic cube set up for sps, and it freakin rocks!!

i wish i had a camera to show you nog pics.

the octo bh-800 with sicce psk 2500 pump seems appealing, but with a lame ass 2.5" neck, you'll never be able to efficently control the foam head. you would literally have to detune the sicce pump or pop holes in the reaction chamber to relieve some of the excess air, as people on RC have reported doing. not to mention that CV ripped off that design from SWC and cnc marine from canada, and reproduced a crappier version of it.

i dont like the otp pumps as much(the ones used on regular in sump octopus skimmers)

but they make for a half way decent pump on a HOB that is easy to mod and cheap to replace if need be, as seen on the octopus bh-1000 and bh-2000 and the SWC bh-500, and all three of those models and the WM H1 have the pump out of the display tank, so that they have a very minimal effect on the aesthetics of the display. and all 4 models listed will accomodate your heater and a carbon/rowaphos media bag (with a little attention to detail performed on the outlet so that it doesnt get blocked or clogged).

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