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Anyone have yellow polyps?


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Hi. I just want to know how others take care of yellow colony polyps. Do you feed them? What do you think about these foods- brine shrimp, zooplankton, phytoplankton.

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I hate to sound like a dick...but your name is "reefsrule" and you are asking how to care for probably the most common coral in the hobby.


Have you run a search on this message board yet? Please do

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I did do a lot of searches, but a lot of people don't feed their corals, while others do. I just want to know what poeple who have had these corals for a while do and have found the best results with. This is also the first coral for the tank, and I don't want to make mistakes. I have searched the web (this site doesn't seem to have an article on them). -What? reefs don't rule if you ask a question about them?;)

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Originally posted by reefsrule

a lot of people don't feed their corals,  while others do.

seems like you already have your answer then....


find out what works for you and your tank, then keep doing it.



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Originally posted by reefsrule

-What? reefs don't rule if you ask a question about them?;)


well, your name along with the propaganda in your sig about not keeping anemones because it is "bad for the environment" led me to believe that you have some knowledge about reefs and reef keeping. It just seemed like an odd question having the mindset that you knew what you were talking about.

as a side note, I have 3 anemones in my various tanks, I dont see how taking these out of the wild is much worse than taking out these yellow polyps for your tank....considering the fact that you made a purchase you dont even know how to properly care for


since you have searched the web, you may be familiar with a site called www.wetwebmedia.com.


Search that one as well for more tips on yellow polyps.

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Okay then. I guess I'll just try feed them with a turkey baster. Its simple why I don't think you should keep them. Most of them die in captivity (keeping yellow polyps isn't bad because they are common and easy to care for, as you stated) Also while they die, their clown host may die too. Most anemones die within 3 months when their life span can be up to 100 years (but you know that) I don't have much of a problem with it if you know what your doing (assuming yours have been alive long). That sig is really aimed at newbies. I know how to care for the coral, I just wanted other opinions as a back up check, I want to make sure everything is clear. It's my first attempt at setting up my own and I don't want to make stupid mistakes (people here say a lot of things thats not on care sheets, like something as simple as using RO/DI water). Anyway Thank you for the "helpful" response


So just for you, here's the new signature:)

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Originally posted by reefsrule

I just wanted other opinions as a back up check

ok, feeding them is a waste of time, and hard to do correctly..


these little buggers will survive and thrive without feeding.



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I dont think I flamed her...I didnt call her names, or put her down. I did question a few things, and I also provided her with information.


Its not like I told her to go and buy feeder gold fish and force feed them to her polyps or anything...sorry if it came off as a flame though



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Where do I sign up for the Beginners Discussion police? If you haven't figured it out by now the Beginner Discussion forum is full of not so advanced or informed or researched questions. That will never change. Now, knowingly sounding like a dick, that can be changed.

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Originally posted by sdboogie

Where do I sign up for the Beginners Discussion police?  If you haven't figured it out by now the Beginner Discussion forum is full of not so advanced or informed or researched questions.  That will never change.  Now, knowingly sounding like a dick, that can be changed.


you can sign up where ever you'd like...I dont really know what it would do though.


and I am quite familiar with what the Beginners Discussion Forum is about. There is a difference between a beginner who asks..."I would like to keep yellow polyps, info please" and one that says "I bought yellow polpys...now tell me how to care for them"


I was also making the connection between asking for help on how to feed such a common coral and then having a sig that tells others what they should or should not keep. When the person making the claim has very little knowledge on what it takes to sustain such a simple coral as a yellow polyp, how can they make an claim that others should not keep anemones.


I am done explaining myself and why I commented the way I did. I was not rude, I did not use any profanity and I also provided the person with a point of reference.

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Someone has to put up a warning or something-Do not ask questions

Guess I made a mistake there. But what ever happened to "the only stupid question is one not asked" Stupid teachers. when you get an animal, you read about it, ask for a second opinion, you get a thread as long as the great wall of china. What JLTRUK means is that I posted a question about a coral that's easy to take care of so nothings worth asking *right?* Well I sure will be more careful in the future. I wouldn't ever get an animal I don't know how to care for, just trying to get some insurance, but if I need that, I will consult books only. This is one of the reasons I don't like speaking to people. I'm 15 years old and very shy. I don't even like making phone calls. My question did sound like I just bought the animal without researching, and I'm sry about that. What I did wrong was Over Research.:(

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I didn't mean that you were calling her names etc, I was just saying to everyone that it's a lot easier to say "I don't feed mine" then to turn it into all of this. There are many posts that I'd like to say "just search for it" but most I don't respond to. What you said is true though, if you're wondering about something search for it...chances are it's been answered before and you'll easily find it. Along with this site I also use:





Those are 2 boards you can search that are just full of answers. For example before buying "Product A" go to all 3 of these boards and search for "Product A" and just spend some time reading about it. Hope this helps, no worries :)

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A shy 15 year old girl?


/*ponders a little bit*/


Post your phone number and all of the geeky guys here will be glad to give you a call!!


(Not me though. I'm wayyyy too old. :) )

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hey reefsrule don't take any "flames" the wrong way here. you were right in asking your question. alot of folks still have questions even after they have researched becuase alot of advice seems contradictory.


in regards to anenmoes that is a very hotly debated subject on this board and many others. i myself am currently keeping two condy's and they are doing very well. but many people choose not to attempt to keep these creatures and that is just as well. both sides have valid points.


also ignore any lude comments made by some of the guys on this forum as they are just trying to get a laugh out of folks. it's all in good fun, even if it can be rather tastesless some times.

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I may be incorrect, but I thought tree huggers saved trees?

Can I put a 120 year old oak in my 10g????


What if Reefsrule changed her tag from "anemone" to "mandarin"? Don't think she'd be getting the same amount of sh*t.


Reefsrule- I have a nice yellow polyp colony and they eat 1-2 times a week when I add live brine shrimp to the tank, they seem to multiply quite a bit faster then when I wasn't feeding. Feeding is not, however, necessary. You need to look at the added bioload from feeding and if your system can handle it go for it.

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Originally posted by Bikelock

Hey tree hugger,


Aren't you also against the harvesting of reef creatures for our amusement?


Don't contradict your self to much.


If everyone who knew what they were doing and not the "Finding Nemo" fanatics kept these animals, there wouldn't be a problem, would there.:


JohnnyMTB, Nice colony!

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Originally posted by reefsrule

If everyone who knew what they were doing and not the "Finding Nemo" fanatics kept these animals, there wouldn't be a problem, would there.:



If we all knew what we were doing we wouldn't be here asking asking questions and conversing to find a better way.




How is a 150 year old anemone any different than a 150 year old tree?

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Ummm, biologically there's a huge difference, do a little research on that one. I wouldn't do anything to harm either one. Hope you wouldn't pull a 150 year old anemone out of the ocean and jam him into your nano.


If buying aquacultured coral & rock and not putting anything in my aquarium that I know has a poor chance of success makes me a tree hugger too, then so be it.

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Originally posted by Bikelock

If we all knew what we were doing we wouldn't be here asking asking questions and conversing to find a better way.  



That's part of knowing what your doing:)

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