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New 20 gal tank questions


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I recently set up my tank, and have a few questions



1. I only have 5 pounds of LR, but I have 15 pounds of base rock.. is this okay?


2. I have a little worm that is living in a hole in my LR. It is maroon and orange, and just moves himself around the hole.


3. I am about to order the Seachem BAsic marine test kit and the Ammonia alert, are there any problems with either?


4. I have a mytery "coral" (for lack of a better term). Can you identify it? (pic 1)



5. Clean up crew. What would be a good clean up crew for my tank ane 3 fish (perculas)?



BTW, I highly reccommend the Aquarium Systems products. I broce my hdrometer, and they are sending me a new one!

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Are the fish in there now?


Your links don't work.


Yes 5 lbs can seed 15 lbs of base rock. It will take a little longer, so add livestock slowly, just to make sure that the filtration can establish itself fast enough.


I like to vary a clean up crew. example: in my 7 gallon I have 2 blue legs, 2 astreas, 2 turbo, 1 cerith, 2 conch

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No, there are no fish yet.. i guess I did word that a little oddly.


I'll keep working on the pictures.. .trying to figure this out...


On the links I had, what do you see?

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Just a Suggestion:


Use Black or Blue backing ( I prefer black, powerheads blend better). Throw out the Base rock and add another 20lbs of live. Your live rock will be your main source of filtration and will allow you to have a larger bioload. Do you have Power heads in there? That would also be a good thing to add. Have you thought about your lighting yet? As for Clean up crew, I would add that after your 20lbs of LR and your tank finishes it's cycle. 20 Snails(Margarita, astrea, trochus, cerith) and 20 hermits (some may disagree) redlegs are better than Blues IMO.

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1.I will use balck or blue, I just put on what I had


2. I am goung to try to get more LR thins weekend, but only 10-15 more pounds of it.


3.I have no powerheads, but I do have my old HOB filter, so that should give me a little circulation.


4.I have thought about lighting, and I think I am going to go with a 4 bulb T-5 fixture. I dont think I am going to upgrade to corals right away though, maybe around christmas.


5.I do plan on adding my clean up crew then, I just thought I'd save myself a post. That number sounds about right too.


The blurry pic was the best that I could get of what I was trying to identify.


UPDATE: The nitrites are at 5.0+ PPM after 1 week. This is on my old AP tests, so I am not too sure about accuracy.


How far along in my cycle am I .Is this an indicator that I should get more live rock?


Thanks for all of your help,



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A good suggestion is get as much liverock as want now in my 20 I have about 35lbs I got it in 3 stage cause It felt to painfull to do it all at once but. if get it all now it will all be cured nicely in 30days or so when the tank finishes cycling and that way you won't have to worry about it later becouse after my tank was running nicely for 2 months I added 9lbs of live rock and I had a huge alga bloom for about 2 weeks untill the rock started to cure and the snails and crabs could catch up. the LR at the LFS around me is always uncured if make that expenese this month that will give you a month to shop around and save for some good lights next month. you don't need high lighting for the live rock a basic flouresecnt will get you by untill you upgrade the lighting just for now a basic floresent wont have near enough power for corals or coraline algea growth

the hob filter is fine but I would add a power head to ensure there are no dead spots and a little more circulation is always good. in my 20 i'm using about a total of375-400 gph between a hob fuge and 2 powerheads

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