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Proper heater wattage calculation


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I've been told by two different LFS on how to properly determine the wattage required when purchasing a new heater. One says to calculate the tank plus the sump while the other says just the tank. Which is correct?


Current tank in process is an Oceanic Ultimate 58 reef ready with a 40 gallon sump. Heaters will be located in the sump for simplicity in the tank and I was going to go for the 2 heater setup in case one burns out.

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umm, tank plus sump

i would stop going to the lfs saying just the tank, idiots


what do the think the water in the sump doesnt effect the water in the tank?

you will need to heat all 98 gallons of the system


the duel heater is probably a good idea as it will also reduce stress on each individual heater


just make sure ur checking them both on occassion

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I've been told by two different LFS on how to properly determine the wattage required when purchasing a new heater. One says to calculate the tank plus the sump while the other says just the tank. Which is correct?


Current tank in process is an Oceanic Ultimate 58 reef ready with a 40 gallon sump. Heaters will be located in the sump for simplicity in the tank and I was going to go for the 2 heater setup in case one burns out.

Id say that you need a heater rated for 300 watts? I could be wrong though. I think the calculation is 3wpg...

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You have 98 gallons of water to heat. Calculate using total gallons.


Another reason for two heaters. If one sticks on it won't overheat the system as fast.

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another HUGE factor, is the ambient temp (aka room) vs. desired tank temp.


let me find a chart............


edit: I cant find right now, to many beers. if someone else finds pls post up

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another HUGE factor, is the ambient temp (aka room) vs. desired tank temp.


let me find a chart............


edit: I cant find right now, to many beers. if someone else finds pls post up


Time for another guess game, Robert. ;)


Anywho, R20 is correct about ambient temp vs. desired tank temp. Ambient has a huge factor in what thype of heater or rather wattage of heater you may want to use. But you do want to guage this all by entire water volume to be heated which of course includes both the display AND sump. As for two heaters or one, each has I'd say equal pros and cons. It all comes down to personal preferance. But from what I see, if one heater sticks (using two heater method) I can't see how both sticking would be any worse than one single big wattage one sticking. Either scnerio will heat the water way beyond what's acceptable anyways. Only differance with one heater is that each part of the setup (display and sump) can be sectioned off from the other to prevent the entire system from over-heating if it's caught in time.

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