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Temp. fluctuations


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Hi All...


My new RSM is about a month old now and I just added some coral frags and a couple fish, everything is doing super so far (knock on wood!)

I have read that the stock RSM heaters are junk and plan to get a stealth per StevieT's rec. Anyway, I was just curious as to reef tank temp. fluctuations...I mean, what is considered to be normal or ok?


So far I have noticed my tank ranges from around 77's-81 at the highest (depending on the time of day). I have my heater set at 75ish.


I did not install the option cooling fan because our apartment is always 68-72ish degrees.


Thoughts? :happy:

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Acceptable is no more than a 3 degree fluctuation within a 24 hour period. It's not to say anything more is guaranteed to kill because I've had a 9 degree swing myself before on several occasions in my early reefing days with no ill effects. But temps swings just like with significant salinity swings, can cause significant stress in some livestock and particularly fish and inverts. On that note, I keep my tanks humming along between 80 and 82F... :) Hope that helps you out some. Try setting your heater ONE degree higher at 76 and it mightkeep your tank more tight between 79-81. Your current swing isn't that bad really if it's been going on for a bit. As long as everything is healthy, opening, swimming around and eating, then I wouldn't be too concerned unless you get a big temp spike or temp drop.

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Thanks everyone! I actually went ahead and purchased a stealth heater (per StevieT's rec) for my RSM today and just installed it this evening. I will just use the RSM one to heat my water for changes...I just don't trust it. Most posts I read by RSM owner's have stated that they have had problems not too long into things and everything has been going well for me so far and I just don't want to take any chances! :rolleyes: Not worth it to come home to a fried tank one day!

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Mine puts out exactly what it is set at. Very good heater, good luck with the new one.


My RSM heater is my backup to my water change heater, that is how bad it is. Or used together in the winter to heat up even quicker.

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Ok...well then, I have a question :( We installed my stealth heater last night and had to set it at 73 degrees to keep the range between 79-81 today??? Could someone please tell me what I should do? Doesn't make sense. I have 2 thermometers (digital and mercury that are both reading the same at all times). In addition, our place is always no more than 72 degrees... I did not install the "optional cooling fan"...should I do that and set the thermometer up? Grrr...this is confusing.

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Heaters have internal thermostats that only turn them on when the temp falls below what you have set them at. So your stealth heater (assuming it is in good working order) was not even on at all today. You need to set the heater so 80 or so, so that it will eliminate the fluctuations in temperature.


Hope that makes some sense.

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same answer via my PM


This is why your heater isn't "working". It isn't a chiller, it is a heater with an internal thermostat.


RSM stock lights:



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Haha...duh, blonde moment I guess... :blush:


That totally makes sense. I guess I was thinking it was on all the time... Anyway! Do you guys think I should install the optional cooling fan then? Makes me a bit nervous to get above 81...

What temp. do you guys keep your tanks at???


Thanks again!

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I understand what she's saying... Not all heaters of the same brand/model will be calibrated exactly the same. There will be variations. Plus everyone's ambient conditions WILL be different. Ambient room temp is probably the most key factor to tank temp. I might have the same tank and heater as you, but if my ambient temp is different, that'll greatly affect what my heater will be set to verses what your's will be at. That said, are you using the same wattage heater as Stevie is? That too will have a big effect. Too high wattage of a heater will mean you'll need to set it lower for the desired result. The heater in my 10g custom AIO tank (50w Hydor Theo) I have to set at 73F to keep it from heating the tank over 81F. Yes that's an extreme differance there, but i should probably be using a 25w heater anyways especially living in So. Cali.


So the point here is that if your heater needs to be set at 73 to keep your tank in the 79-81 range, then set it and keep it there and don't worry about it unless it doesn't consistantly keep your tank at the desired range when kept at 73 or whatever temp it needs to be set at. Remember not all of the same heaters are treated the same. ;) Hope that helps you out some.

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Setting it with this tank at 73° will make the water drop to that at night, I would say to trust the stealth right now.


If you go over 81°, yes install the optional fan. Upgrade the transformer from 7V to 9V to make it spin faster. Aveage drop in temp is 1-2°


my tank is 79.7 right now

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Haha...ok, installed the fan...took a whole 2 minutes.


Sooo...Stevie-the heater was set at around 73 today and the temp ranged from 79-81.5...what do you think I should set it at? It made sense that the heater wasn't even on if the temp. didn't go down that far-which it definitely did not, my husband was home all day and kept an eye on it. I would think setting it to 78-79 with the cooling fan on would make sense...so the temp. doesn't fall below 78-79... Please let me know you thoughts and anyone else of course... OH! And the heater is just like yours...Stealth 150watts for up to a 45 gallon tank. (RSM=34).


Thanks soooo much!

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Just an FYI to anyone following this thread...Stevie rec. setting the stealth to 79-80 to prevent dramatic drops during the night...makes sense.


Learning as I go!!! :rolleyes:

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Since my tank can stabalize at 79-80°, the stealth is set at that. If your tank ran hotter, than set it higher.


I recommend 79°, basically keeping the fluctuations to a min. is the goal

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Awesome...I understand now. Thanks so much...don't know what I would do without you guys! Probably have a mini cess pool!


Have a great night! :happy:

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I have always thought this, no take no offense by it:


Without the help, maybe one would figure out the answer on their own by thinking it through and trial and or error.





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I'm not offended :) that's true...but I am probably more OCD than most and hate to take chances...always thinking I might screw something up...especially when I am taking care of something that is alive. Thanks again for your help.

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Just wanted to give an update...I followed your advice and set my stealth to 79 and installed the cooling fan and my tank maintained a steady 79-80 today! At the lowest was 78.9 and at the highest was 80 (at least while I was home to see)...yay! :happydance: Thanks so much everyone, I feel MUCH better now...

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