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Cultivated Reef

Help a poor Noob with his 10 gallon

Bin Weed

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Well i am going to start a 10 gal. nano reef! Im going to get 2-3 32 watt retrofit kits, a hex flatbach truvu tank. I know about LR and LS but what else should i get other then powerheads? Do i need a skimmer or evan a filter, H.O.B. maybe? IM basically new to the relm of nano reef small tank keeping. Any advice/help would be much appreciated.

Thanks for reading,

Ben (BinWeed)



p.s. I read all of the articles i just want some of your opinions.

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at least get a hob. it can't hurt and they're not that much $$$. they also allow quick chemical filtration for that inevitable "wtf X) gaaah!" :*(


they add to the flow and circulate two distinct parts of the system (i.e. top and bottom water layers).


they also help break the surface tension for additional gas exchange.


they also add 3" to your...uh, sorry. i got carried away there from all the frickin spam lately. on that note, can anyone tell me whytf am i getting septic tank spam? mortgages, porn, sports, viagra, real estate spam, i understand all that. but septic tanks? ???

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Tiny - Someone must think you're full of sh*t!!!


Bin Weed - Take Tiny's advice on the HOB, it's a great place for the occasional carbon for a quick cleanup, adds a little (very little) extra water volume to tank, and down the road you can turn it into a fuge.

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I would NOT get the flatback hex because the opening at the top of the tank is very small and makes it very hard to work inside the tank, PITA when you are trying to scrape algae, aquascaping, moving things around, and you are limited to what you can hang.


If i can time travel, I would not have gotten this tank. It does look nice :)

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what kind of HOB? Ive been recomended to go with a emporer/penguin 125 what does everyone think about that??

Thanks for the replies


This was also a half bump

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can anyone tell me whytf am i getting septic tank spam?
Laffs - that's hilarious.... Hey tiny, nice family pic in the "family pic" (I think it was called) post. Beautiful wife, daughter...you've got it made!



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