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Used tank


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I just scored a 30g and 2 15g tanks for $13

The previous owner used to breed anglefish but took everything down last summer.

Aside from the calcium deposits they are actually in pretty good shape.

I dont know how old they are and did a quick water test, so far so good.

Should I go ahead and re-silicone them? and do I have to take them completely apart to do so?

I dont think my DIY skills is enough to tear them completely apart, plus its more work as if I dont already have enough projects to do.


Would just trimming the inside silicone off and re-applying new silicone good enough?

I'll probably use 2 of the tanks for a sump/'fuge so they wont be entirely filled with water. not sure what to do with the 3rd tank but may be a FW breeding tank.


the 15g are a interesting size, 24x12.5x12.5 rim to rim dimensions, plus so dang cheap I couldnt pass 'em up.

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if you want it dont right and dont trust yourself to do it pay a local glass shop a visit with the tanks and they should be able to re-silicone them for really reasonable.


also i would wait 10 to 14 days to put any water in those tanks after you re-silicone them just so you dont have any issues with something leeching into the water and causing a lot of problems


even if it cost you $50 you are still ahead of the game considering your initial investment for the tanks was so stupid cheap.

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OK another question. When using a used tank as a sump, do you have to remove all the calcium deposits before siliconing in the baffles? or is a thin filmlike layer ok?

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If you want the best seal possible, you really should have as clean a surface as possible. I would get as much of the calcium deposits off the glass as possible.

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not really that hard to resilicon. i have resiliconed a 80g and 2 10 galls.also made a sump. for the 10g i didnt completely take apart just take off the old and stick on some new. as long as i didnt have leaks i was happy. also when finished for a perfect water proof seal you can wait 48 hours but if not then 24 hours is also good enough to get wet and test water. i tested mine at 24 hours and let the water sit in them for a whole night for leaks and they were perfect. only time i think you should take apart and reseal is if a crack is at one of the edges and you need to replace glass or etc.

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