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the flow is high, but it depends what you are keeping in your tank, sps prefer a high flow. also is this coming from one source or are you using several ph to get that flow?

don't waste you time and money if you aren't willing to spend the money to get decent lighting. it's one of the most important aspects of trying to recreate a reef.

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I was just wanting to know if i needed a new ballast, not if i could save money by reusing mine. yes, it is from one source. do you think i could slow the current by putting a piece of liverock in front of the nozzle thing?


what do you think of this light for softies?- http://www.hellolights.com/13wretrokit.html


with this bulb- http://www.hellolights.com/13w5010dayac.html

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incadscent bulbs DON't use a ballast I have seen the screw type mini power compacts that are 50/50 daylight and actinic. all you need is to screw them in, but I would always recommend more powerfull lighting. as far as the flow it depends on what you put in the tank. for a ten gallon 170 gph is fine if there is a some rock in there but some fish and soft coral dont like a strong flow so you need to be do a plan on what you want in the tank an go from there becouse some polyps don't require a lot of light and most of the nice stuff requires moderate lighting I'm with zizmans. lighting for corals is like engines in sports cars more power = more fun for the long term. Invest in a good light

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i will definately get moderate lighting.

as for the corals. what corals are hardy,don't need too much light, and can live in that kind of flow?



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some corals don't need much light or any at all yellow polyps are hardy and don't high lighting they are filter feeders and some of the sea fans have very low lighting needs and enjoy madorate water flow if you get some good lights most of the shrooms just need a good power compact and are good to begin with

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  • 4 months later...
Originally posted by dwhite_2006

does anyone know a good cichlid forum.


WTF does this have to do with lighting? Anyway, get the coralife aqualight 96w power-quad. It has to be one of the best light sources for a 10 gallon; only MH beats it.

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Hi, I'm looking for a great cheeseburger. Anyone??


Go with the Coralife 96w if you can afford it, I have it over my ten and I love it. Around $100 over at hellolights.com.

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In and Out Burger.......best in the west!!!



As for lighting......go as big as your check book will let you!!!


As for Flow....170gph in a 10 is only 17x turn over! Granted if something is right near the outlet of a PH it going to get blasted, but my 5.5 has 210gph and thats 38x turn over and I want more!

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Agree on the flow, I have a AC 150 hang on with 3 AC Mini powerheads, hooked up to a wavemaker, on a 10g tank. The key is in creating different flow zones in your tank. My flow is the highest towards the top where I have my SPS, the flow is slower at the bottom where I keep my shrooms and ricordea.

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