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Cultivated Reef

Coralline algae, why ppl like them?


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ok, so i have 1 dot of coralline algae in the back of my tank. maybe the size of a pea. i see alot of ppl with this stuff everywhere. personally, i don't like it. it makes the tank look dirty. just wondering why ppl like them so much? any benefits in having them? i like them on the rocks, but not the glass.

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Its good to have it on the rocks because its a heck of a lot better than having your corals buried by hair algae. The thing is, that it usually grows much more slowly than nuicance algaes. You can always scrape the glass.

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Yes, wherever coralline grows, other types of algae will have a hard time taking hold. Personally, I like the color of it on my rock and wish I could get it to grow faster!


It is also handy for hiding powerheads and other equipment!



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It seems that the most dominant coralline in my tank are the dark brown ones that form into stacked coin shapes. They are hella cool looking and seem to be spreading everywhere! Anybody knows what this type of coralline is called?

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Anyone got any pictures of coraline algae? I'm new and im wondering what exactly it is. I have some big red/pink patches of some cool looking stuff in my tank that I think is coraline algae but I might be totally wrong :P



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Infiniti - I agree with you when it gets all over the glass and stuff it can start to look bad but on the rocks it looks great and its the best when your snails and hermits get it on their shells.... friends start asking where did you get the rocks that match your shells :)

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