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Hellolights 13 Watt Retro


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Hi there, I'm in the process of setting up a 3 gallon Eclipse and ordered the Hellolights 13 watt retro to replace the stock lights.


I was wondering if any of you had any experiences with this and had any advice as to the best way to mount the new light in the existing hood?


Thanks in advance.

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Oh sorry didn't understand your question... Go to Home Depot and buy some aluminum flashing (should be next to the roofing shingles) and a pair of good shears to cut it. Make a template of the hole pattern on the hood, then drill the holes into your flashing. Now you may have take your kit apart (meaning, take the socket off the reflector and mount it directly to the flashing. Hope that helps... if not let me know, I'll send you some more detailed pics.

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i wish i DIDN'T buy the lights from hellolights because the socket and ballast are connected... the ones from ahsupply are separate so it doesn't protrude as much when mounted.


anyway, i have an eclipse 6 and bought 2 hello light 13 w retros and since i didn't have a powerdrill on me, i went to home depot and bought some epoxy glue (or something like that).


Supposedly it can withstand temps 140 degrees and hold 4000 lbs. i had my lights running during the summer, and though my hood felt really hot, the glue didn't melt or anything :D


I also bought a t12 tube so that i can cover my lights from 'splash' it doesn't really protect from salt creep and my ballast is rusting : /


i don't really care if it's not elegant; it works for me. : )




i used duct tape to secure it but have since removed it ; p


OH and i got my power button wired to BOTH lights... now i need to figure out how to keep my power button in place: p

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