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Cultivated Reef

My First Nano 7.5


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Ill Post some DIY's w/ next water change. The hood is kinda fixed, there is plastic netting on the back, that allows hot air to escape, plus, the cuts in the squares help hold all cord into place as well...... You'll see I know it sounds weird. But, i also only hinged the front portion, so it wouldnt fall off the back, and the HOB wouldnt be in the way. WC is sunday , so look for pics tommorrow!


The Bike? Is there a BMX pic in there? oops, yeah, probably, either , red shirt white shorts, or yellow shirt black shorts? yeah, That has now gotta fight with Reefkeeping, ah well..... So many things, so little time.....

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I'll bet your minibow is 7gallons not 7.5! (unless it's custom)


Welcome to the Minibow Gang.


Your tank is looking good already. Dig the custom hood. Thanks for sharing.




ps. in the whats this photo, it looks like it could be a majano anenome. do a search for majano, and see if thats what it is.

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Thanks Gilman. When I put the rock in the tank, couldnt see anything on it 'cept a hermit. The next morning BAM!!! there it was. I will do a search, thanks.

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No problem man. Isn't it cool how stuff just appears on LR? Lemme know if that is indeed what it looks like to you. Kinda hard to tell from the pic, but I figured that I'd guess.



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reefriot hahahahaha. El Centro beer!! Please take pics and send to me, the band will get a kick out of it, and will surely want a case! Email me if you would like a larger version of our logo to work with. gil@minibow.com


birdman, did you find out what your unidentified creature is? :)



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Will it kinda looks similar to the pics in the thread you posted. sometimes it will extend out off the rock up to an inch, its "tentacles" swell at the ends. it has a " mouth" in the middle. THe stalk is striped green and yellow, and it floureces, dull green under my actinics..... any further ideas?


P.S. did you get rid of all those monti frags? :bling:

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  • 4 weeks later...

So some new tank shots are in order. I have pretty much put everything i want in here, minus a few small sps fragz I am looking to acquire an orange digitata . Orange is my fav color. and somthing to fill the low light are below my gsp, there is quite the gap there:D thanks for cheking it out! Sorry about the clarity, the tank water was cloudy. Maybe i will change the pictures out next week. Any tips or Q's would be very welcome




7gal ( i know it says 7.5 dont ask me what I was thinking :ermm:) 2 micro jet 450's sans sponges...Hob aquclear 200 ( ilike to use it for putting additives, and extra water in the tank, if you turn the speed low, the water inside cycles the AQ hob very swiflty even if the suction is low ) 2x32 CSL PC's 1 actinic , and 1 10K. thinking about getting higher degree bulbs, are they available? i haven't even looked...feed the tank 5 times a week, dt's or marine snow and zoo plex 2 times a week. The ric gets fed once a week, and glass gets cleaned as often as possible.


Thanks again to all. I am soooo surprised that with the little volume of water, with all your help, my tank has been stable for quite some time. cal, alk, p.h are all awesome, obviously, am and nitrites are 0, 'trates at about 10ppm, hopefully the squamosa willhelp that :) Again, thanks soooooo much, and while you loko at the pictures, take a look at my desktop nano, 10 gallon, all aquacultured, or capitve bred tank. right now, its just rock, but that 20 lbs more coral reef thats gonna stay where it belongs B-)

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Thanks Liverocker, It will not have many more rock additions! I love the way it looks, that big zoo rock in back was the perfect touch, in my eyes, Now, i just need that orange digitata .......:P

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